Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ben making music

A few notes:

The video is from hubby's phone so the quality isn't so great.

The real action doesn't happen until the last couple seconds (and admittedly this is probably SO boring to all but a select few).

I do change his clothes. He just happens to demonstrate his most awesome tricks while wearing this shirt. Must be his lucky shirt.


Stupid Is

When I was pregnant I noticed a definite change in my overall mental comprehension. They say it is common when you're pregnant and I assumed it would clear up after I had the baby (though some warned it would get worse).

I'm frightened by how much worse it has gotten. Seriously, it is scary.

I didn't really realize how bad it was until I started the nanny search but this exercise has completely shined the light on the situation. Working with three agencies, scheduling interviews and then meeting with all these gals and keeping their individual experiences straight - total failure.

I've double booked myself. I've asked the same questions of candidates multiple times. This morning someone arrived and I was still in my gym pants, not expecting her for another hour.

Probably fine for the nanny search (though these ladies are certain to notice my flailing and think me to be an idiot), but what about going back to work?

Details are my strong suit. They are what I fall back on when all else fails. I can always rely on details. I take notes. I'm organized. I am on time. What happens when that foundation crumbles?

I have to find a way to exercise my brain a little before heading back or I'm going to drive myself insane.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Harvard, Yale or Princeton?

I think Ben might be a genius.

Tonight he figured out that kicking the supports of his play gym activate the magical, musical blinking sun at the top. And he loves the sun. It is an instant smile generator.

A swift kick of his leg and the vibrations trigger the music. At first it seemed like a coincidence but once I explained it to him, he totally understood (ha, ha), and repeated the trick over and over.

Amazing. Obviously he is very advanced.

I have a call into the Ivy League schools regarding early admission :)

Hubby captured on video, stay tuned.
Smiles are really hard to capture with the still camera but this is a good one. My type A self debated posting b/c his shirt is dirty but that is a fact of life I'm slowly learning to deal with :)

Besides, the smile is so cute it would be a crime not to post.

I've interviewed nearly a dozen candidates for the nanny position in the last two days...it is a really hard task. I guess the good news is there have been a couple candidates I'm excited about. I just want to find someone and hire them, so I can enjoy the last few weeks with Ben without having it hang over my head.

Then I can completely focus on him while I am still home. Ugh, this is going to be really hard.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Meeting Joe and Marsha!

Grandma Marsha and Grandpa Joe came to visit baby Ben this week! Here they are working their magic on the little smiler. We had a great time and packed a ton of activities in - including getting the garden started.

It was great to have them here! They come back on Tuesday on their way back through to Cleveland (it's cousin Joey's communion this weekend). And then my parents arrive on Wed!

Nanny interviews start in earnest today. Stay tuned for details...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Smiles: Enjoy!

Here it is!!

Grow Your Own!

Chicago Magazine featured a story this month called "Free Food! Grow Your Own" (I don't think they post current articles until the next issue comes out, annoying) - featuring three urban 'farmers.' I gobbled the story up (awesome feature on a roof grower in my 'hood) and was delighted to learn I can plant a few things now!

Hardy vegetables, such as lettuce and broccoli, can apparently go in the ground now; while the other favs (toms, cucs, beans, etc.) have to wait until after May 15. I immediately called Gethsemane to see if they have starter plants available but they were already closed.

Do you realize what this means? I can start planting!!

I haven't given much thought to the garden yet this year. Not because of the baby craziness - more because in the past I've spent the winter pouring over Burpee catalogues and planning everything out in detail. Yet when I get to the garden center, I toss all the plans and improvise based on the current selection. They always have amazing options so it's more fun to be spontaneous.

Two things I did promise myself - no zuccini or squash this year (we never eat it and it takes up too much space) and something new. I've always wanted to grow lettuce. My grandmother used to have red leaf and boston - there is nothing like fresh lettuce for a salad. And broccoli might be fun.

The brainstorming will begin immediately and I'm thrilled by the idea of going to the store during the week when I don't have to fight the throngs of people (this is the best garden center in the city - though I'm not afraid to go to WI for my flowers). And the weather is supposed to be amazing.

While I neglected to spread the compost at the end of the season last year, I think I can still do it now when I plant. So excited! Just need to get a chair for Ben to chill on the deck and we'll be all set. Yay!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Laugh Out Loud and Say Cheese!

Ben laughed out loud in his sleep today. I kid you not. He was in my arms and I was looking away when I heard a laugh. I looked down at him and he was giggling in his sleep. Awestruck I continued to stare and a few second later he did it again.

It was simultaneously hilarious and precious.

And later, after waking from a big long nap, he opened his eyes and gave me a big, huge, undeniable SMILE.


If you could bottle the feeling that smile delivers, I promise you the world would be free from discord.

I'm working on documentation. It just isn't the same if you can't see it yourself...I think a genuine, intentional laugh doesn't come until next month...but we'll see. He is an overachiever :)

Life As We Used to Know It?

I mentioned that we've started putting Ben down a little earlier in the evening.

Ultimately I'm paving the way for an established schedule before I go back to work - so he goes down at the same time every night and wakes with me in the morning. The added benefit to the earlier bedtime is that it opens the door to reclaiming a little bit of life as we once knew it.

The weather this weekend was gorgeous and we hosted our first BBQ. As many of you know, we live for the summer - with countless nights on the back deck, drinking wine, listening to music, cooking out and hanging with friends. We never tire of it. On Saturday, I prepared dinner early and when everyone arrived they hung out with the little guy while I wrapped things up. I fed him and put him to sleep.

When I came downstairs, it was like stepping into our old life - friends, food and fun (even a play date for Stella). It felt so good to reclaim a little bit of that freedom. Knowing Ben was upstairs, safe with us, and at the same time being able to enjoy a night 'out.'

Or maybe it is just the joy of what is to come - more nights outside, planting the garden, playing in the yard, napping in the hammock. Is there anything better than summer?

Maybe summer with Ben :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

A few new pictures - dad and baby in OH, sporting a cute outfit from Rachel, big eyes and chillin' in the baby bjorn with aunt Debbie!

Let the fun continue!

Ben marks six weeks today and is as amazing as ever (totally unbiased opinion).

This weekend we started putting him down one feeding earlier (this means btw 8-9pm, rather than 10-11pm) and the results have been outstanding. He slept SIX HOURS STRAIGHT on Saturday night and is now consistently logging five on other nights. He typically follows this long stretch with another 2-3 hour snoozer, which means we are now waking just twice a night and everyone is feeling SO MUCH MORE RESTED!

I think the long sleeps are making him a bit hungrier during the day so we're feeding more frequently but it is an easy trade off.

We are also graduating from the swing to the pack n' play with pretty remarkable success considering he loves his swing. Originally the doctor's approved doing 'what ever it takes' to get him to sleep, but long term they don't love the idea. Besides, I think his roommates would make fun of him if he showed up for college with a sleeping swing :)

This weekend I began moving him to the PNP after the first feeding, tonight we are going straight in with no swing. Wish me luck (we tried straight in once already and he caught on, but I think tonight it will work).

But wait, there's more!

I think he is smiling today. Hubby laughed at me but I know it was a smile. I'm working to capture it on film, stay tuned. I think he is saving his smiles for the believers :) And we took our third bath today and he loved it. No crying and he actually looked really interested the whole time. And now he smells good and is yummy, warm and soft.

Six weeks ROCKS.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Outside of the fact that Dr. Poopsie was the baby that showed up when we visited great grandma, the trip was pretty awesome. Grandma had told everyone about baby Ben and so when we came through the door, they were all waiting.

We had a nice lunch together and then spent the afternoon catching up. The in-laws met us later in the day and caught their first glimpse of the little guy. Ben was pretty fussy throughout, and required a few 'time outs' to calm down. Ultimately he did chill long enough to hang out and capture a few photos.

It was really nice to see everyone - how amazing is it that Ben has a great grandma? She turned 91 on March 12 and is still sharp as ever. A few more family visits coming up and we're looking forward to it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Family extravaganza continues

We visited my sis, Ben's aunt (and godmother) last night during a quick stop over in T-town. She and Ben are cuddling in the picture above - Ben has his arms around her in front and back in a hug-like position. It was so nice to catch up, albeit just for a few hours. And Ben is becoming quite the Mexican food critic, seen here at El Camino.
He is growing SO BIG, SO FAST - it is amazing. He definitely isn't a newborn anymore. He has graduated into baby. What's the difference? He has outgrown the newness that is obvious when you look at a newborn, and he isn't as tiny. Sad. But he has better neck control and baby rolls, which is cute. And we're dangerously close to smiling.
Watch out. I am going to be SO annoying when he starts smiling. Actually I may never post again b/c I'll be busy waiting for the next one...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Allow me to introduce you to Dr. Poopsie...Ben's alter (fussy) ego.

Dr. Poopsie is our new name for the little guy when he goes bonkers crying for no reason. Somehow it makes the chaos a bit more tolerable. You can't get mad at Dr. Poopsie.

We had our one month peds appointment on Monday and he continues to grow. He is 10.2 lbs which means he is putting on weight faster now than he was a couple weeks ago (a great assurance that BF is working!) and he is 22.25 inches long. The doc was happy with his progress and gave us a clean bill of health. He also answered all my neurotic questions, which surprisingly I was able to hold until the appointment (rather than calling daily).

I love the rolls he is developing, his third chin and chubby lamb chop legs. We are literally watching him grow before our eyes, it's awesome.

Even when he is Dr. Poopsie.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A few new pictures - uncle Joe as mentioned in my last post, with Ben on Friday.

A funny one of Ben in his swing staring at me with his big blue eyes. He is bound up in his little swaddle so he can't wake himself up flailing his arms. This one cracks me up b/c it is the face that greets me occasionally when I turn my head in the morning.

And lastly, Ben's favorite (and first) babysitter and cousin Jennifer. She hasn't put him down since arriving yesterday and he loves her already. He is currently passed out in her arms...

Let the spoiling continue :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Uncle Joe came through Chicago on Friday and stopped by to meet baby Ben - earning him bragging rights as the first "itis" to lay eyes on the little guy. He will be Ben's godfather, and hopefully teach him how to play hockey in a few years, so it was nice to make the introductions.

His visit kicked off an inlaw extravaganza with aunt Debbie and cousin Jennifer coming tomorrow for several days. We drop them off at the airport on Thursday, on our way down to Lima to visit great grandma. Hubby's parents will meet us down there for their first squeeze.

We'll also fit in our one month check up (Ben gets shots, ick), a hair cut and color for mom (sorely needed) and a date night with hubby while we have family sitters!

A very fun, action packed week ahead.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Stay at Home Mom

What would life be like if I were a stay at home mom? Maybe something like this:

Today I met my girlfriends at KJ's house for lunch. We caught up. We gossiped. We ate sandwiches and had some wine. We took this adorable picture of the boys ("D" Daniel @ 10 wks; "B" Ben @ 5 wks; and "G" Gage @ 17 wks). We traded maternity clothes, swaddle blankets and bouncy chairs.

Would I be understimulated? Would I eventually get bored? Maybe. Probably.

For now, though, it seems glorious and indulgent.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A few pictures from this week...he took his first bath on Monday, adorable; and a few others (nothing cuter so far than baby jeans)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

God Bless the Nap(s)

While I run the risk of potentially jinxing myself again, Ben has been so good the last two days, it must be noted. Turns out babies are supposed to nap, it makes the whole world a better place. 

As mentioned earlier this week, we started following a loose version of the Babywise feed/wake/sleep method to see if we could get the little guy to nap during the day and sleep better at night. 

While it is taking a some time to get into a routine (he doesn't actually nap after each feeding yet), I'm recognizing immediate results. For one (fingers crossed that this isn't the ultimate jinx) he slept four hours straight Monday night and 4.5 last night. 

The first time I rolled over and saw it was 4am and he hadn't been awake yet, I did the textbook freak out - made hubby turn on all the lights to see if he was breathing. Which of course he was, in addition to being slightly in shock due to the rude awakening.  Last night was much smoother. 

For two days now we've walked in the morning; he naps. We return, feed and attempt a nap in the crib. Even if he doesn't sleep, he chills down there quietly cooing (after some crying) until he lulls into a little relax-zone. Yesterday we ran errands and he slept in his car seat (there was a small meltdown at Target but that is where meltdowns are supposed to happen, right?), and continued after we got home. 

He is more pleasant, more alert and seems happier. He is latching more quickly (we literally start at square one every single feeding but make more progress every day), and fusses less while we're working at it. 

So today we were out of the house, dressed and walking the dog by 8:30. We went to the post office, Starbucks, the sun is shining. I feel like a million bucks. Maybe even two million. 

I'm sure there are bumps in my future but I have to believe with a few awesome days under my belt I can handle them. This week marks the first time we've been out of bed before 11 am (seriously), and suddenly we're out and about on the town.

I feel like we can conquer the world.

God bless the nap.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Breastfeeding is Easy, Part 2 and 3

Long and potentially boring unless you have/are planning to BF...

I previously wrote a post on breastfeeding following my class at Northwestern where the instructor outlined the ease with which women learn to breastfeed with their babies. Having heard stories to the contrary, I posted initial thoughts prior to jumping in myself. Now that I'm actually here, I thought I'd follow up with my experience so far.

All of my girlfriends went into motherhood with plans to BF and all ultimately ended up feeding their babies formula. I watched them anguish over the decision and don't judge them for where they landed, just further evidence that it isn't easy.

I was pretty set on trying it. For me, the challenge was two-fold: first, you have no control over when your milk comes in (I hate not being in control); and second, I felt like everyone is asking my milk production and seemingly in an accusational tone. NOTE: this was mostly in the hospital which was obviously a very emotional, tiring, stressful time (right around when they took Ben out of our room for testing) so it is likely those asking had nothing but the best intentions. I'm admittedly over sensitive in the best situations.

But the questions seemed constant - did your milk come in, are you pumping, have you tried again, did the baby latch, do you have colostrum, etc. Not to mention the other variables: pumping for the first time (and the 100th time) is a demoralizing process; Ben was no longer in our room ('they' encourage closeness and bonding to stimulate milk production); and he ultimately was fed formula from a bottle because his numbers were low and he needed the nutrients.

The point is, the whole thing is so STRESSFUL! And of course to be successful you're supposed to be totally relaxed, well rested, and commanding your inner Zen to get everything flowing. Needless to say, I was not there.

Ultimately, I received great tips from a lactation nurse in the NICU and was able to pump out a few drops of colostrum. God bless these gals, they made the biggest deal, "every drop counts," and painstakingly collected it from the bottle and fed it to Ben via a syringe. This gave me the confidence to keep trying. After a couple very nominal collections, suddenly there was .25 of an ounce. And then a half an ounce! And then two ounces!! We started collecting bottles and feeding these to Ben instead of formula. Mother's milk, at last!! I can't even describe the sense of accomplishment I felt.

Yet, that wasn't the end of our BF journey... (Breastfeeding is Easy, Part 3)

While I had milk, Ben wouldn't latch on. We tried in the hospital several times and then when we got home, with no success. Per a recco from our pediatrician, I hired a lactation consultant (an awesome nurse in the burbs who I'd highly recommend), who was at my house within two hours of calling her. She had me use a nipple shield and viola! He was on. I almost cried. I was SO happy to finally be BF, it was a glorious, glorious day.

Now, I'm trying to wean him off the shield, though failing miserably. Initially I was so thrilled with the shield I felt like I'd wear it forever without a care. Now I'm thinking otherwise.

He doesn't get as much milk as feeding naturally, which means the feedings take longer and I think he leaves less full. And after losing the shield in the middle of the night in our bed covers and realizing my child's life depended on this stupid piece of plastic, I was motived to try to get him off (and I stocked up on a dozen of them from Target in the meantime!). He has shown potential but also inherited his father's general state of stubbornness :) so it is taking awhile.

The point of this long story, in addition to sharing the experience for the other expecting moms, is to confirm BF isn't easy. It's pretty challenging to get the system off the ground. And none of the above addresses the logistics of literally being tethered to each other b/c he eats every 2 hrs, the discomfort, or some of the less glamorous aspects of storing milk in your bra. Ha, ha!


Honestly, the feeling of his little body nestled against mine is indescribable. And now, when he opens his eyes and looks at me, OH! Not surprising from the gal who beams with pride when she creates life in the garden, this is a billion times better.

It is such a personal decision, and one that is hotly discussed by many, but if you've decided to try it, stick with it. While this "natural" process may leave you scratching your head at times (or banging it against the wall), there is nothing else like it. Talk to other moms who've done it before you have your baby and listen carefully. Talk to lots of them. You need to have positive stories to draw on while you're going through it (and thanks to all those who shared their experiences with me, my success is in large part due to yours).

OK. I'm done. Off to feed the little guy...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy One Month Birthday Ben!

Hubby and Ben this weekend in their matching hoodies. As mentioned earlier, Ben is ONE MONTH YOUNG today. I can't believe how fast it has gone (and admittedly painfully slow at times!). He is totally growing right before my eyes, it is amazing.


(Yes, I've been down to check that he is still breathing - twice; and I'm glued to the video monitor as if it is a major motion picture)

We've logged a two hour nap. I pray this works again.


Do all babies nap?

I am wondering if all babies nap, because mine doesn't seem to. Everything I've read indicates babies should be sleeping an average of 16-22 hours a day. The sleeping helps them with all that they need right now: sleep begets more sleep; it helps with cognitive development; it stimulates them to be more alert when they are awake; it curbs fussiness; overall pretty important part of their little lives.

Yet, if we don't take a long drive or go for a walk in the sling (both lull him to sleep), Ben will go the entire day without one. Of course I'm happy to do both of these to get him a nap, but long term we need some additional solutions. I literally did the math and he is probably sleeping a total of 9 hours a day, way to little right?

And naturally I think he seems overtired as a result. Try as I might though, I can't get him to nap. I read Babywise yesterday (seriously read the whole book while holding Ben in the other arm walking around the house, and feeding him). The theory here is feed/wake/sleep and they advocate a little "crying it out."

This is in direct conflict with everything else I've read to date (crying it out), but I'm giving it a whirl b/c others have recommended it and its something new.

We tried our first session yesterday, boy its brutal. It is heartbreaking listening to them cry. And it didn't work. In fact it lead to a whole night of fussy/hysterical behavior from 4-10pm. They say babies are typically pretty fussy at the end of the day so I'm calling it a wash and starting fresh today.

We failed our first nap attempt and made it to the second feeding before attempting again. He is currently downstairs in his crib (the only sleep zone he hasn't outright rejected yet), and while not crying I can't tell if he is sleeping. The monitor is set up so I can see him moving but can't see his eyes. I'll go peek when I'm done writing this.

While I started this quest for naps solely with his well being in mind, I've since thought of several selfish benefits to getting us on a schedule. If I could get him to go down for naps on a somewhat consistent basis, I could plan my day, walk the dog, go for a run, do things around the house (with both hands).

And I'm guessing it we could get the little guy some sleep, it might help reduce some of his fussiness throughout the rest of the day. Good news is he has been super sweet the last few days (I swear he hugs back when I hold him now), so I'm back in the right frame of mind to deal with a few failures along the way.

Naps and latching (more on this later) are my big goals this week.

For my veteran mom readers, I'd greatly appreciate any thoughts you may have. We have a doctor's appointment next Monday and of course I'll ask there too if I make it that long without calling.

Photos to come later today of Big Ben - today is his one month birthday (he no longer fits into his newborn onsies!).

Saturday, April 4, 2009

How cute is this one?? He is just a week old in this picture, taken at K&Js house while my parents were in town. Josh posted it on Facebook and I just had to include here. He is so little!

More pictures to come soon. Ben and hubby wore matching hoodies last night and the photos are priceless.

It is a beautiful spring day in Chicago. We've already been to the dog park and look forward to a big walk together later today.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sweet, beautiful baby Ben returned yesterday and awoke with us today too. It is glorious to have him back and I'm hoping he is here to stay :)

Regardless, I appreciate his demeanor far more than I had before and we've spent the day cuddling.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 weeks old

Is that a BABY crying?!


We attempted to run out for a quick burger Tuesday night at a neighborhood bar around the corner. My hope was that, mid-week, it would be less crowded and less conspicious to bring a baby in (it is kind of a scene on the weekends - Fifty/50 for the locals).

As it turns out, Tuesday is trivia night and the place was packed. We decided to roll the dice. We had driven around for about a half hour to quiet the little noise machine, and he was actually asleep. And the burgers are really good...

We snuck in and headed to a dark corner upstairs. One drink and app into things, Ben melted down. Like, I've been STABBED and need immediate medical attention, melt down.

Conveniently he belted out his first blood curdling scream just as the trivia MC had turned down the music to ask participants a question.

People literally turned their heads in our direction saying, "is that a baby crying?," as if they'd have been less surprised to look up and see an alien. I immediately started sweating. We ate our burgers in a flurry while taking turns trying to silence the little guy. Nothing worked.

We ultimately ran out, heads down, knowing that is the last time we'll ever have the 50 burger...and I may be too scarred to dine out again before Ben is of legal drinking age.

In short, the crying has not subsided...