Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cool Guy

I know I'm biased but tell me, have you ever seen anything cuter?

(Not sure how my latest post popped up below the previous...weird blogspot glitch)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Right (Rite) of Passage

We came home to a sick little bear tonight. I didn't even get a glance up from hubby's shoulder when I walked in the door, and he was a hot, feverish, limp noodle.

Really unsettling given he is usually pretty lively even when he's feeling his worst.

So we called the ped, repeatedly took his temp (102.4), and basically held vigil over him for an hour on the couch without much change. Even Stella was hovering, sneaking in kisses to try to help.

And then suddenly he sat up, look at me, and threw up every where.

All over himself, me, the couch, the phone. It was really pretty incredible.

And once the collective trauma was over for all of us, and Ben and I had stripped down to our skivies in the kitchen and washed off, things actually took a pretty quick turn for the better.

He appears to have his father's superhero ability to bounce back from sickness. Within an hour, he was wheeling toys around, laughing and eating a banana.

And somehow, the whole incident kind of felt like an official intiation into motherhood. You're not really a mom until you get thrown up on, right?

Let's hope he is back to normal when he wakes up tomorrow.

No Glow Yo

I was never a 'pregnancy glow' gal the first time around. I think I have a max of three photos of my belly captured during those 10 months (showers aside), and I always shuddered when people suggested the popular expecting mom photo shoot. Just not my style.

But I don't recall being so frequently exasperated with my personal appearance either. Getting dressed in the morning would be a joke, if there were anything funny at all about it. Inevitably, each day starts with no less than five outfit changes before ultimately I give up and hope for the grace of God no one is out there looking to judge a hot, fat, pregnant lady today (and if you are, shame on you).

Hubby reassures me with comments like "no, you were way fatter with Ben at this point last time..." which sadly actually makes me feel slightly better, if that gives you a sense of my state of mind.

I've done a little looking around online and talking to folks, the results of which also made me feel better. The unanimous sentiment is women feel sicker, fatter, more tired, uglier, and overall like a hot mess the second time around.

Misery loves company. Check.

So what's the point here? Who really cares besides me? And isn't it all bigger than this? I hear you. But that doesn't make it any easier to put clothes on every day, and certainly doesn't help that once that challenge is tackled, I can't find my freakin' car keys either.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Aliens Have Abducted My Baby

And replaced him with this crazy, crying toddler. Has anyone seen my sweet baby?

It's hard to say when they made the switch, because of course the replacement Ben looks just like the original. And while we'd seen glimpses of this terrible toddler the last few weeks (diaper changes have become an all out war of late), alien Ben has taken it to an all new level this week.

Thirsty translates to hysterical. Boredom is communicated by stomping feet. Fatigue is wailing and shaking no, no, no. And of course there is the random drop to the knees melt down for no reason.

I finally consulted the experts (Toddler 411) and was comforted to read this stage lasts until FOUR. They do have numerous handy suggestions on how to negotiate with these pint-sized pity parties, so off we go to test a few out.

I'll let you know how things go. In the meantime, if you see my perfect, happy, can-do-no-wrong baby, please send him home to his mom. She misses him desperately.

(by the way, making fun of the tantrum, as seen in this photo was NOT on the list of recommendations)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

So the good news/bad news is this - there is a comparability issues between blogger and iPad. That is good news b/c it means it isn't user error (that goes a really long way for my confidence on a gadget), the bad news is there is still a compatability issue. I'm tinkering with a few work arounds right now. And my issue is limited to photo uploads, not posts in general.

Though I'm well aware no one is following to hear about me...hope to be back soon with a few new Ben pics.

Ok, we're testing something out here...stick with me for a minute please.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hiding Spaces

This morning I went to pull on my rain boots, first time in quite a while. Inside I found: heart shaped block from Melissa & Doug puzzle, a bouncy ball, three plastic coins from the piggy bank, and one moldy strawberry I had given up looking for sometime early last week.

At least I know where to start looking for missing items in the future :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Holiday hangover

Inevitably, after a long weekend like the 4th, I suffer from my own kind of hangover. Maybe "withdrawal" is a better choice of words...but going back to work after five straight days of just being a mom is always tough. It's just such a treat to spend all my time with Ben, especially now that he is growing into a little person. It's amazing the new stuff that happens everyday. And when we're plugging along in our routine it's less obvious. But when you string a bunch of days together, it's easy to see how much he is changing and all the fun stuff that is happening while I'm sitting at work all day. Definitely makes you cherish the days together, that's for sure...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Oops...still working out a few kinks on the iPad. Hence the blank post. Haven't had much time to play with it while online.

Photos to follow from Turtle Lake this weekend. Nice time away from the city and enjoying the outdoors. The three of us ran everyday, we're potentially on a 3 week hot streak excluding one sick and travel day, hilly WI roads (bonus credit). Lots of boat rides and Ben playing with his cousins.

Hope you had a great weekend and enjoy one more day of relaxing!

Happy 4th of July