Sunday, February 21, 2010

Avitar at the IMAX

Hubby, Gaston and I finally saw Avitar last night at the IMAX. The movie really was amazing, I won't go into more detail given that we're probably the last people in the world to see it. Seeing it at the IMAX made it even more awesome.

The experience did remind that I generally avoid large crowds of people at tourist traps like Navy Pier, it really brings out the worst in me. And I momentarily felt sorry for Ben who may likely never visit this place or any like it, since both hubby and I feel the same way.

But the movie was worth it, and of course the large bucket of popcorn didn't hurt either :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meal planning

Most of you know I'm in PR. And while I don't currently work on a CPG (consumer packaged goods) company, almost everyone else around me does. Which means I participate in a lot of brainstorms targeting moms - the focus for most companies b/c they are the decision makers in the house. And a lot of ideation happens around helping moms meal-plan.

Previously, as a curious chef-to-be (I even briefly explored culinary school years ago), I always wondered what was so difficult about meal planning. How hard could it be? I've been feeding myself three meals a day without too much thought for the last 20ish years. How much harder could it be to feed a family?

Well I'll tell you. I don't give much thought to my responsibility to myself - to ensure I'm eating well balanced meals at each sitting, to make sure I have variety, to try to maximize the organic and minimize the processed, to watch the salt and nutritional value. I mean generally speaking I eat pretty well but I'm also basically just sustaining at this point.

Ben is just beginning. And he is growing. And he depends on me to give him a good start.

For a long time I used the breast milk/formula as my crutch, but we're nearing a year and that will soon be gone. I've bought cookbooks, but who has the time to prepare meals? I mean I get home from work at 5:40 and the little guy is sawing logs by 6:30 (and that includes a bath most nights!).

Seriously, people what are my options? Thankfully he eats most everything, but soon I fear he will turn green from all the avocados, will learn to talk and ask 'mom, why are we eating cheese for breakfast again?' or run away to a home that doesn't serve broccoli for lunch and dinner every day.


Friday, February 19, 2010

iphoto - you choose

I seem to be the last person on earth to adopt Picasa, the photo editing tool. For awhile I resisted on principle (sorry dad!), but I finally loaded it and just didn't find it intuitive (as in I'd have to read instructions to figure out how to work it, no good). But I just stumbled upon iphoto on the Mac, and viola! editing made easy. Of course Mac found a way to make it work for people like me.

Which photo treatment do you like better? The photos are a little different to start, obviously but I cropped and applied different affects to each. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Please slow down!

Life feels like it is stuck on fast forward right now...and I'm in survival mode. Just get the daily basics checked off the list - get up, feed Ben, go to work, come home, feed Ben, work, bed.

Sadly, the blog is on the same auto-pilot. Loading photos is about all I can accomplish these days - when I remember to take photos! I fondly recall when I had witty things to share (at least I thought I did), or a story or two with some added color.

Even poor Stella is getting the big screw as hubby has been traveling a lot lately (who am I kidding? I gave up our morning walks before his schedule heated up).

The optimist in me has to blame the weather b/c at least there should be some relief in sight. And successfully pulling off major client event next week should help free up some time and energy too...

Then maybe Stella and I start getting up a little early to run before Ben wakes up? And I could post something other than blah, blah, blah...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ben's driving!

Ok, maybe not driving just yet, but don't tell him. Hubby and Ben hit the Chicago Auto Show today to check out all the latest new wheels. Here's Ben in the Land Cruiser, daddy's little guy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More walking, are you tired of it yet?

The weather outside is frightful, but inside we're heating things up with another great production. I promise to start updating soon with more than just Ben walking videos but this new trick continues to delight us. I opened the door and walked in on this excitement tonight. Completely resets the day immediately. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cinematographers we are not. But here are a few steps captured on a short video. The star is regrouping in his crib, preparing for an encore performance this afternoon. We'll continue to work on better footage, but in the meantime enjoy.

(think we're up to seven consecutive steps now)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

And, we're WALKING!

OMG - Ben is officially WALKING!!!!

I came home from work tonight and hubby and Ben were practicing on the floor. AMAZING. He walked FIVE STEPS to me unassisted. Multiple times.

Videos to follow this weekend. Mom, sis and Tracy are coming in to visit so I'll have a full production crew to capture this latest development.

It is SO exciting!!!

In the meantime, we got the gang all back together this Sat for Daniel's b-day. Needless to say, it's much more difficult to keep the little critters still on the couch for a photo.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Tiny steps, misc updates

The little guy took his first unassisted steps today. Three at a time. Amazing. How quickly do you think the full walking will follow?

Lots of bumps and bruises ahead in our future, but overall he seems pretty fearless. Even on the big tumbles, he needs a little hug and squeeze but is off again in no time.

Paula sent me a picture of him today from a playgroup/class they are taking now a couple days a week; he looked like a TODDLER. How does it happen so quickly?

Today also marks the first day of full formula moving forward. The great stash of milk in the freezer is officially drained. And he'll be 11 months next week.

Last week he started squeeling with delight when I came home at work. It was blissful. Only to be followed up by chasing after me this morning when I walked out the door, not quite so blissful.

But each day brings something new and fun. I just wish I could slow it down a bit :)