Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween II

By the way, Ben was a lion and Juliet a pea pod :)

Halloween I

This sequence of photos isn't nearly as entertaining without the corresponding screaming and whining that we heard live, but it definitely gives a sense of how rocky our Halloween started this afternoon. Everyone in the house was a big crabby pants today so getting out the door for trick or treating proved to be more difficult than anyone would have guessed.

Thankfully things got A LOT better once we were pounding pavement for candy. I'm posting a few different updates b/c there are several pictures and a video. Enjoy.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ba Ba

As promised, she jumped on a plane the minute we called and was walking into my hospital room just hours after Juliet was born.

My mom, who had been circling Cleveland Hopkins for the past 10 days, waiting for her call, arrived on the scene ready to help in any way needed.

And did she ever.

She relieved Paula Friday afternoon and powered through the entire weekend basically on her own with Ben while I was at the hospital and hubby bounced between home and visiting Juliet and me.

She spoiled him rotten (could he look any happier in this pic?), and was rewarded with the one thing she's wanted most since he arrived on earth, a name. "Ba Ba" (Polish for grandma, thanks Paula!) is what he's landed on for grandma Es and boy does he love her. 'Ba Ba' this and 'Ba Ba' that, he even has a 'Ba Ba' song.

He shouts her name when she walks in the room and won't go to bed without climbing upstairs to kiss Ba Ba nite nites.

It is absolutely adorable to see how much he loves her. And we are endebted to her for all the time spent with us this last week. We never could have held down the fort without her help.

And in her spare time (??) she did a thousand loads of laundry, cooked meals for the next week and broke down my entire garden and all my planters in the backyard (can't even go into how or where she gets all this energy, aren't you feeling like a slacker just reading this?).

A big thanks to you mom, for dropping everything and coming to our rescue this week. I know there is little you'd rather do than spend time with Ben and Juliet, but never the less we appreciate it tremendously and quite literally could not have done it without you.

We've got Ben coaching Juliet now so hopefully you won't have to wait another 19 months for her 'Ba Ba.'

Love you bunches.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shades of Pink

With the arrival of our first tutu (thanks aunt Brenda!), I realized I'm overdue on a blog post.

How different the response is with a girl. It's amazing. Of course everyone is genuinely excited for the arrival of a boy, but a girl brings out something more giddy in nearly all. An extra gush, a warmer coo, and of course, clothes.

Where blankets were delivered by the bolt for Ben, instead we've received shoes, and tights, skirts, and yes even tutus. Each item cuter then the next, literally.

I knew from shopping for Ben that there were more options for girls, but I had no idea just how insane.

And the shades of pink!

Even if you tried to resist (though why would you?), it would be impossible.

It will take all of my strength not to photograph and post every outfit, but here's just one since I haven't posted any since we've been home from the hospital. Not the most flattering of dear Juliet but you had to see the outfit and bow.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Falling in Love All Over Again

Hubby snapped this yesterday and I think it's beautiful.

Two days ago she was just an idea, waiting to make her way into the world. Today she holds my whole heart.

It's amazing how quickly one can fall completely in love...

I had forgotten just how small they are, and warm, and miraculous.

Ben came to meet his little sister last night, all went very well. He had many kisses for her and didn't seem to mind her feeding from mom, as long as he still had his place on my lap, and my attention for a story. All of us piled into my hospital bed.

Life is good my friends, very good indeed.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Juliet Francis

At last she is here and absolutely worth the wait.

Please join us in welcoming Juliet Francis. She arrived at 4:30AM after a very quick delivery, at 7lbs 5 oz.

She shares her middle name and initials with our very-much missed brother in law John.

She is amazing, and looking forward to meeting her big brother Ben this evening.

Can't wait to introduce her to the world!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

big news...

still pregnant.

A few things I've learned this week:
- it is not a medical fact that your second baby will deliver earlier than your first. that is actually categorically false.
- you CAN carry a baby in your shorts for a week without any appendages busting through.
- sulking does not bring on labor.
- ...nor do cookies, brownies or cake (but all are yummy and make me feel better)
- people (read: strangers on the street) can not help themselves from looking at me with deep sympathy at this point.
- blackberries do not like to swim in coffee (while not directly related to pregnancy, thought I'd share).

Doctor's appointment this morning revealed I'm dialated to 3CM.

Induction scheduled for 10/28, though she predicted babes will be here this weekend.

If I've learned anything at all this week, it's that I'm not going to pin my hopes on that guess. I'll see this kid next Thursday and if it arrives sooner, so be it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

in other news, still pregnant

(potential for TMI)

seriously, how could I have not had this kid yet?

is going into labor one of those things in life where if you think about it too much, it delays the process? would be really great to get an answer on that question stat b/c if yes, we're definitely looking at Thanksgiving.

since Sat afternoon I feel like I've been carrying this thing in my shorts. It couldn't be positioned any lower and still have all of its appendages inside.

I've walked, I've bounced, I've brewed strange teas, I've done nearly everything on this list (from foodmomiac) and yet this baby remains stubbornly inside.

it must be a girl. my girl. this sounds like just the type of cruel behavior I'd subject my own well-intended mother to as a youngster.

i'm averaging about 6 hours of sleep between bathroom breaks, heartburn episodes, repositioning all my body pillows, crazy somersaults from babes, and just generally lying awake wondering WTH???

and while I am certain there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it seems to be shifting further into the distance rather than moving closer.


(if not immediately apparent, i'm clearly a delight to be around right now. if I'm not returning your calls, or only responding via text, consider it a blessing)

Friday Night at the Playground

We had a big time at the playground Friday evening, running, sliding, and playing. A few final pics of the little man...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Pics

Pumpkin patch with our buddy Gage, enjoying a warm day on the patio with Grandma S, and our new favorite thing - the slide.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pictures, pictures, pictures

Thanks sis for reminding me it's been too long since I posted some pics of the little dude. Here's a few with more to following tomorrow...

I can't tell you how many trips we've taken to Black Dog Gelato, sighting Ben's insistence on getting some salted peanut/mexican hot chocolate deliciousness. While a bit of a white lie, he has gotten quite good at enthusiastically eating it :) A picture of 'give baby a hug,' as well as shaggy hair snap shot I liked. Enjoy!

Babes, Where Are You?

I keep trying to remind myself that the baby isn't actually even due until Thursday, yet I spent so much time worrying she would come early, she now seems late.

And at my appointment this week the doctor made me schedule an induction for Nov 1 in case I hadn't delivered yet. Talk about crushing an emtional, expecting mother's optimism. Geez.

Nothing more to share but compliants so I'll keep it short.

Thankfully little Ben is getting funnier with every day. He is pretty much the only thing keeping me going these days, though at the same time is more exhausting than ever.

Last night at about 10PM he woke up and turned on his sound machine in his room. That never happens, he is a really good sleeper. When the song ended, he hit the button again.

I went down to check on him and his eyes were open. He popped right up and lept into my arms, holding on with a death grip. Not really sure what was going on but we snuggled and rocked for a bit (he tried to charm me into reading a story too) and he eventually went back down. Maybe all the scary skeletons and witches we saw on our walk? Who knows but man he's a good hugger. It's about the most delicious thing ever.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Run Forest, Run!

Congrats to all the marathon runners who raced today!

We love marathon day at our house, it such a wonderful, positive energy to be out on the course, watching people grit through the pain to (hopefully) get through to the other side and remember it as one of the greatest day ever. Never fails, it chokes me up every time.

We took the crew out in support of hubby today who ran a fantastic race (at least his sixth year in a row). This pic of him, taken at mile 22, makes him look like he's just out for a casual stroll. He amazes me year after year as he tackles this beast with a confident ease.

And to our friends (Tracy, foodmomiac, Shan, Blaine and Courtney), and all the others who tackled 26.2, amazing job to you all!

Friday, October 8, 2010


I've been sweating bullets all week, and literally drove myself to tears Tuesday, certain that I was going to deliver this kid while hubby was in Vegas this week.

I don't remember ever feeling this big with Ben, though I weigh slightly less (and when I say slightly I mean 5 lbs which is minimal but certainly made me happy enough to mention here). I feel pressure everywhere, my back is killing me, I can barely pick up Ben, I'm so tired, the list goes on.

And then I went to my doctor on Tuesday and she said the baby had dropped, I'm 2cm dialated (more than I ever was with Ben before my water broke), and to be prepared for a fast delivery.

That was the night before hubby left for a three day trip to Vegas. (WHO CLEARED THAT GENIUS IDEA?? you might be wondering...I'm sure months ago it seemed like a fine plan).

I freaked. Certain I'd be delivering this baby alone at the hospital after being forced to abandon Ben at home alone. Tuesday night I had a dream that I gave birth to a liter of (6) raccoons. Raccoons!


But now it's Friday evening. My sis is an hour away, and hubby is due back later tonight. Phew. We made it.

And I'm sure I've increased the odds of this babe being induced a week past my due date just for being so neurotic, but I swear it feels like it's going to fall out any minute...

(is this the same relaxed, confident new mom that posted those sunny sentiments earlier this week?)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sayin' Is Believing

I'm really looking forward to how easy things are going to be this time around.

Now a confident mother, who isn't concerned she could potentially kill her newborn with one sideways glance, I won't need to keep vigil over the baby monitor minute after minute, night after night.

Having successfully kicked my old nemisis 'worry' out the door with no signs him returning, I won't feel compelled to work through every potentially morbid scenario and develop a plan of attack just in case.

Surviving a colicky baby and coming out on the other side with more love in my heart for my little man than I knew existed on earth in total, I'm now armed with every nursury song, swaddle technique and bob and sway known to womenkind, so I'm eons ahead of myself last time around.

And having mastered breastfeeding to boot...

How could it not be easier this time (she says with the blindly optimistic attitude she is known for)?

So with that, I've set my sights even higher.

I'm going to take advantage of having Paula here, and go to the gym the minute I'm cleared to do so. I'm going to sign up for classes to take with Ben: music and Bubbles and maybe even dance. I'm going to go out with hubby and get trashed, more than just one night every six months.

It feels liberating, and exciting, to welcome this little babe to our family...who still has no name, no room, no clothes, and potentially no ride to the hospital.

We've got it nailed this time, I'm sure of it :)

Thoughts brought to you by the soon-to-be-skinny, well-rested new mother of two...

Monday, October 4, 2010

All Grown Up

Who would have thought, all those years ago, we'd still be getting together, swapping stories about dark bars, boys we crushed, dorm rooms we trashed...but also books we've read, races we've completed, promotions we've earned, babies we've birthed, deals we've signed, kids we've fed (and in Beth's case, that means actually feeding kids around the world).

A wonderful weekend with Beth in town from DC - thanks for making the trip and giving us an excuse to get together, a luxury that we indulge in too infrequently.

Good food, good wine, and many, many laughs. It feels like yesterday we were all together at Miami...and we've come so far and accomplished so much in our own rights, it's really quite awesome.

Congrats my friends, on being the amazing ladies you are.

I can't wait to do it all again soon!