Friday, October 15, 2010

Babes, Where Are You?

I keep trying to remind myself that the baby isn't actually even due until Thursday, yet I spent so much time worrying she would come early, she now seems late.

And at my appointment this week the doctor made me schedule an induction for Nov 1 in case I hadn't delivered yet. Talk about crushing an emtional, expecting mother's optimism. Geez.

Nothing more to share but compliants so I'll keep it short.

Thankfully little Ben is getting funnier with every day. He is pretty much the only thing keeping me going these days, though at the same time is more exhausting than ever.

Last night at about 10PM he woke up and turned on his sound machine in his room. That never happens, he is a really good sleeper. When the song ended, he hit the button again.

I went down to check on him and his eyes were open. He popped right up and lept into my arms, holding on with a death grip. Not really sure what was going on but we snuggled and rocked for a bit (he tried to charm me into reading a story too) and he eventually went back down. Maybe all the scary skeletons and witches we saw on our walk? Who knows but man he's a good hugger. It's about the most delicious thing ever.

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