Wednesday, April 8, 2009

God Bless the Nap(s)

While I run the risk of potentially jinxing myself again, Ben has been so good the last two days, it must be noted. Turns out babies are supposed to nap, it makes the whole world a better place. 

As mentioned earlier this week, we started following a loose version of the Babywise feed/wake/sleep method to see if we could get the little guy to nap during the day and sleep better at night. 

While it is taking a some time to get into a routine (he doesn't actually nap after each feeding yet), I'm recognizing immediate results. For one (fingers crossed that this isn't the ultimate jinx) he slept four hours straight Monday night and 4.5 last night. 

The first time I rolled over and saw it was 4am and he hadn't been awake yet, I did the textbook freak out - made hubby turn on all the lights to see if he was breathing. Which of course he was, in addition to being slightly in shock due to the rude awakening.  Last night was much smoother. 

For two days now we've walked in the morning; he naps. We return, feed and attempt a nap in the crib. Even if he doesn't sleep, he chills down there quietly cooing (after some crying) until he lulls into a little relax-zone. Yesterday we ran errands and he slept in his car seat (there was a small meltdown at Target but that is where meltdowns are supposed to happen, right?), and continued after we got home. 

He is more pleasant, more alert and seems happier. He is latching more quickly (we literally start at square one every single feeding but make more progress every day), and fusses less while we're working at it. 

So today we were out of the house, dressed and walking the dog by 8:30. We went to the post office, Starbucks, the sun is shining. I feel like a million bucks. Maybe even two million. 

I'm sure there are bumps in my future but I have to believe with a few awesome days under my belt I can handle them. This week marks the first time we've been out of bed before 11 am (seriously), and suddenly we're out and about on the town.

I feel like we can conquer the world.

God bless the nap.  

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