Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is that a BABY crying?!


We attempted to run out for a quick burger Tuesday night at a neighborhood bar around the corner. My hope was that, mid-week, it would be less crowded and less conspicious to bring a baby in (it is kind of a scene on the weekends - Fifty/50 for the locals).

As it turns out, Tuesday is trivia night and the place was packed. We decided to roll the dice. We had driven around for about a half hour to quiet the little noise machine, and he was actually asleep. And the burgers are really good...

We snuck in and headed to a dark corner upstairs. One drink and app into things, Ben melted down. Like, I've been STABBED and need immediate medical attention, melt down.

Conveniently he belted out his first blood curdling scream just as the trivia MC had turned down the music to ask participants a question.

People literally turned their heads in our direction saying, "is that a baby crying?," as if they'd have been less surprised to look up and see an alien. I immediately started sweating. We ate our burgers in a flurry while taking turns trying to silence the little guy. Nothing worked.

We ultimately ran out, heads down, knowing that is the last time we'll ever have the 50 burger...and I may be too scarred to dine out again before Ben is of legal drinking age.

In short, the crying has not subsided...

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