Monday, April 20, 2009

Let the fun continue!

Ben marks six weeks today and is as amazing as ever (totally unbiased opinion).

This weekend we started putting him down one feeding earlier (this means btw 8-9pm, rather than 10-11pm) and the results have been outstanding. He slept SIX HOURS STRAIGHT on Saturday night and is now consistently logging five on other nights. He typically follows this long stretch with another 2-3 hour snoozer, which means we are now waking just twice a night and everyone is feeling SO MUCH MORE RESTED!

I think the long sleeps are making him a bit hungrier during the day so we're feeding more frequently but it is an easy trade off.

We are also graduating from the swing to the pack n' play with pretty remarkable success considering he loves his swing. Originally the doctor's approved doing 'what ever it takes' to get him to sleep, but long term they don't love the idea. Besides, I think his roommates would make fun of him if he showed up for college with a sleeping swing :)

This weekend I began moving him to the PNP after the first feeding, tonight we are going straight in with no swing. Wish me luck (we tried straight in once already and he caught on, but I think tonight it will work).

But wait, there's more!

I think he is smiling today. Hubby laughed at me but I know it was a smile. I'm working to capture it on film, stay tuned. I think he is saving his smiles for the believers :) And we took our third bath today and he loved it. No crying and he actually looked really interested the whole time. And now he smells good and is yummy, warm and soft.

Six weeks ROCKS.

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