Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mental capacity to do my job. Thursday night date. Baby kicks.

Baby S is an heirloom tomato this week - 19 weeks. I love the choices for the comparisons, my favorite! Hair is growing on the head and apparently he can hear my voice now. It would be easier if he could hear my thoughts. I'm talking to him in my mind but not out loud yet. I'm sure that will come soon.

I can feel him moving. It is pretty neat, just little pulses or nudges but from the inside out. Nothing on the outside yet and I can't tell when or where it will happen. Next week we have the Level 1 ultrasound (20 weeks). We're half way, can you believe that??

This is supposed to be a great appointment because you see the baby (I haven't seen him since 6 wks old and I was looking at the wrong thing on the screen), big as day. I can't wait. We'll upload some pictures.

We're both taking tomorrow off. We were supposed to go on away for a long weekend but cancelled it b/c neither of us can stomach the idea of getting on a plane. Instead we're thinking about going to WI for the day. Regardless, it will be lovely. I'm going to try to avoid the bberry and see if the earth stops rotating on its axis.

I'm enjoying one of my two glasses of wine in October and the vacation is fabulous already.

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