Sunday, October 26, 2008

And just like that the weekend is over...Friday night event was a big success and clients were thrilled so that made working on Friday night managable. Hubby came home from JAX, late but home all the same.

I was so excited to show Winona to two strong perspective candidates - neither showed. I don't know how to get appearance rate up. Any suggestions? Rental canddiates. I spoke with "Cheryl" four times over the course of last week about her dog, her son, monthly rent. She sounded legitimate. And another guy called Friday afternoon, we booked an appointment for the next morning.

We spent two hours there yesterday for nothing - neither showed. Maybe this is what property management is all about? How hard is it to call and cancel an appointment if you're not going to show? It's rude.

In-laws were in an out in an instant, though we had a lovely visit. And I worked most of today, trying to catch up from the last two crazy weeks and prep for being out of commision this week (in training).

Hubby is in Phoenix much of this week; I'm in MIA all of next. I think, I hope, there is a light at the end of the tunnel coming soon...

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