Friday, March 13, 2009

Wow - just wow.

We sprung Ben from NICU yesterday afternoon - he cleared his cultures, normalized respiration and was approved for discharge. We hugged Bethany goodbye (his nurse during his stay), confirmed there was no way we could bring her home with us, and drove off as a family for the first time.

Last night was ROUGH. Full details on all worthwhile stories from this week to come soon, but we're taking one day at a time.

Today we made it to the peditrician and I had a lactation consultant come to the house. All of last night's desperation, fatigue and dispair was washed away with one perfect latch from Ben. We are totally in business.

Everyone tells you a million times that this is a crazy ride but you can't really grasp it until you're experiencing it yourself. And I'd guess we haven't even scratched the surface yet.

In the end, the part that makes it all possible is his beautiful little face. And his tiny little eyes. And the chirps he makes when he needs something. I've never felt such an overpowering emotion as the one I do when I look at him. He is amazing.

More to come...

1 comment:

Alexa said...

Oh my goodness, I am tearing up reading this. Congrats and so glad the little guy is doing well... can't wait to hear more!