Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday's New Activities

Today after his 7am feeding, Ben laid in bed for almost an hour completely alert and checking out his surroundings.

It is amazing to watch him as his eyes focus on various things. He is learning to use his hands, squeezing anything that he comes into contact with. He pumps his fists in the air. He wiggles his legs - putting pressure down in a way that you can imagine will eventually help him learn to walk.

He is gathering strength in his neck. When on his tummy he can lift himself up ever so slightly to check things out. And with some effort, turn his head from side to side on his own.

My heart melts when he looks at me and I can't get over the excitement of watching him do each new thing, regardless how small. It's like you can see the wheels beginning to turn inside his head.

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