Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happiest Baby on the Block

Everyone talks about the lack of sleep during the first few weeks of bringing home a newborn. There is really no way to prep for it b/c you'd never subject yourself to this schedule otherwise.

You imagine the most tired you've ever felt and rationalize that you will be able to deal. The problem with this philosophy is that (I'd guess) the most tired you've ever felt was the result of one or two nights of bad or little sleep. With a baby, you're talking night after night of little sleep. Even with the perfect baby, they are feeding every couple hours for almost an hour, so you're basically just patching together a night of naps. Over time, this results in a little bit of delirium in anyone.

One thing I find curious, of all the advice you hear and receive, no one tells you how bad the first night is. Yet, after the fact, when talking about it with others, everyone agrees that is the worst ever. Take note, those who haven't been through it. I would have been comforted in knowing this in advance...

Anyway, sleep is the allusive prize parents go to bed seeking every night. Baby decides whether or not they will receive it. We had been achieving pretty average odds. Ben likes to sleep in his swing - the motion is calming to him - but whether he would get in and fall asleep was another matter.

A friend responded to our tired cries with the DVD "Happiest Baby on the Block" - basically a 'back to the womb' philosophy that involves Swaddling, laying baby's on their Side, Sucking, Swinging and Shhing - the Five S's. It recreates the atmosphere of the womb to calm the baby and I have to tell you, it really works.

Two nights does not a streak make, however it does give us confidence (and a little rest), to keep moving forward. Ben loves the swaddle - which we hadn't been using at all. And when hubby gets him in the side position he almost always immediately quiets. This allows him to go into his swing and sleep peacefully.

Of course there are still the other variables of hunger and a dirty diaper that can get in the way, but it does seem to offer a consistent solution that relaxes him. A great relief after a hysterical night earlier this week that nearly had me in tears. It is so hard to hear them upset, especially when you can't figure out how to make them happy.

Fortunately we've found the swaddle and that is a comfort to all of us...

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