Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We are so excited to welcome Benjamin Ryan (yesterday, 3/9), weighing in at 7lbs 8oz and 20 inches. He is gorgeous and perfect.

I will send additional details, had hoped to do so today. We hit a baby Ben-sized wrinkle. He logged an elevated heart rate last night and again this morning - and ultimately he was admitted to NICU.

Big picture, I believe he is OK. They've suggested he may possibly have an infection in his lungs and would need antibiotics and lead to a week's stay. I'm hoping test results tomorrow will reveal otherwise and he'll complete 48 hrs of antibiotics and come home Thursday - just one night at the hospital alone. I could cry, but overall he is OK.

Will be back with more details once our little family is checked out and healthy, but he is so beautiful, the pictures don't come close to doing him justice. We appreciate your prayers :)


1 comment:

Carrettas in Chicago said...

Yay, congrats Erica - he is just beautiful. Will keep the prayers coming that you're all home and happy ASAP.