Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our second support shift has arrived - aunt Carrie left this morning and my parents arrived this afternoon.
Everyday we get a little smarter, learn a few more tricks that make this whole thing a bit easier. It is a facinating experience. He is so awesome, I can't even do him justice by trying to write it out.
Not surprising, my biggest challenge is taking things easy so I bounce back faster. I've already been scolded for overdoing it...but who is surprised? I'm neurotic, type A and have been on bedrest since mid-Feb. And now there is SO MUCH MORE to do. Baby clothes to be washed, closet transitioned from maternity to regular, house to be cleaned. But all this means running stairs a thousand times and that does not a recovered mother make. So I've learned to ask for help, and lots of it.
I still have plans to share details (for those interested) on the labor itself, breastfeeding, the amazing amount of people who come out of the woodwork to offer blessings and presents and maybe a few other gems. It has been such an unbelievable journey.
Just trying to get up and running here. Thank you for all your notes and thoughts. can't wait to introduce you to the little guy.

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