Sunday, November 2, 2008

Indian Summer Day (in November). Mani/Pedis. One extra hour.

Isn't it amazing the power of an extra hour? It seems like the gift that keeps on giving today.

I allowed myself the sweet luxury of sleeping in (gotta take advantage of this now from what I hear), and didn't roll out of bed until 9:30. After making some coffee, straightening downstairs, eating my cereal, it was still only 9am with the time change. Awesome!

And even now, with a full day of errands behind me, I'm shocked to see it is just after 6pm.

Would life be easier if we simply received an extra hour here and there? Is it that all we need? Maybe there is a way to schedule more of these 'fall back' days throughout the year.

What did you do with your extra hour?

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