Thursday, November 27, 2008


Stealing a page from my colleague and fellow T-towner Danielle, I'm blogging live from Thanksgiving. I've got nothing on her preparations for the day (check out what she is doing here), but we've been busy none the less.

Thanksgiving for us means a massive traveling tour of OH over the course of several days. We arrived at our first destination last night, rolling into Toledo about 9pm. Plenty of time to cram in a huge meal and a few drinks out at the bar (never fear, I had soda water).

We were up early this morning for our (now traditional) Smoke the Turkey 5K run. Sis gathered a bunch of friends to kick off the day of eating with a healthy start. Even Stella joined in the fun.

And then in the car for our next visit - one hour away to Sandusky for Thanksgiving with my side of the crew. Apparently baby S likes turkey, news to me since I'm not a big fan of the bird. Lots of eating, more than necessary in fact. Pie too.

And now we're back in the car making our way to our next tour stop - Chagrin Falls, 1.5 hrs away, for another Thanksgiving. Hubby's side of the lot. For a second turkey extravaganza!!

Lots to be grateful for today.

How are you celebrating??

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