Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Moms Rule

While my exposure to the "moms club" has been extremely brief so far, and obviously I'm not even technically invited in yet, I've been overwhelmed by what I've seen so far. The eagerness to share information, to help one another out, to make things easier on ourselves. It is really amazing.

I'm not even a big advise-seeker traditionally. I kind of like to do things my own way, perhaps that is the Taurus in me? :)

But this whole anticipated motherhood thing is exactly the opposite. I find myself engaging in conversations with strangers to gather information (there is a gal at my gym who looks fantastic, I haven't actually spoken with her yet but I'm dying to know how far along she is and how I can look like her at 8 months - she is not likely eating double cheese pizza for dinner like me, but still).

I'm talking to people I barely know about their experiences. With breast feeding. In detail. And I can't get enough. Even better, new moms seem almost desperate to share their information with other moms.

Strollers, car seats, bouncers, pack n' plays, cribs, OBs, breast feeding, health care, work/life balance (sadly a fairy tale but more on that later). And I've only scratched the surface. Imagine when this puppy pops out - hopefully that easily - and there is sleeping, and not sleeping, swaddling and crawling, socialization and feeding.

And trillions of moms who've gone before me. Totally amazing.

This is absolutely the coolest part of being a women I've experienced to date. The whole "sisterhood" thing makes sense for the first time and I'm left pondering the irony of all those years we spend being catty and competitive with each other earlier in life.

Thanks to all the moms who've shared priceless advice already. I look forward to talking to all of you in more detail soon. Keep it coming!

In the meantime, what is the best advice you gave or received to/as a new mom? Tell me please!

I promise to return the favor a hundred times over for those who come after me.

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