Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The most exciting renovation I didn't know we needed?

Finishing off the fence on the side alley.

I had been preoccupied with a little hole under the deck on the other side of the yard, left unfinished last summer when we had to move the entire fence in one inch (still kind of ruffles me when I think of this but I digress). Chris boarded it up Saturday and I was thrilled with the result. It has annoyed me since last year, especially when I recently looked up and found Stella in the neighbors yard, having shimmied out when the jerry-rigged blockade came free.

What I didn't know was that he had a far more ambitious project in mind for the next day. Previously the fence ended about 5 feet shy of the access door to our side alley. There was a short chain link fence there - enough to border the property but easy to jump. The problem was (outside of safety from bad guys of course) when anyone walked through to the apartment building next to us, Stella would tear down the patio stairs and bark like cujo at innocent passersby. Not to mention Moby, one renter's little white puff dog. OG - the barking...

Anyway, Chris built out the rest of the panels, reversed out the door, and it looks totally awesome. If you've never been to the house, this is unimpressive to say the least, but to me it was the most fantastic improvement I didn't even have on my radar. Thank you!!

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