Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday's Words

First, I keep forgetting to mention this kid has a whole vocabulary of Polish words that are lost on me. For ages he has said 'czah czah' which means 'boo boo.' Everytime he bumps or scrapes, it's a 'zah, zah.'

He also responds to 'how old are you?' with a Polish "One!" coupled with his pointer finger extended. Who knows what else he knows, maybe I'll get details and next week we'll highlight his Polish words.

Also on the list is to capture "moon" on video for the blog. It's on my list of top three words (along with 'mom,' and 'giraffe').

Our evening walks of late consist of the following conversation: 'moon,' 'stella,' 'mom,' 'plane,' and 'water,' pretty much on repeat for 30 minutes.

But it's the way he says 'moon' that gets me...

I'm not even sure we have any new words this week. Is that possible??

Let me give it some thought and get back to you.

In other news I'm still pregnant :) Was I ever this big with Ben? Ugh.

My doctor's response today when I told her my back is killing me: "how old is your first?" {me: one and a half} "well, there you have it."

Gee, thanks.

1 comment:

Robin said...

This is the cutest post! And Ben is brilliant - he already knows two languages, hello bilingual baby.