Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday Words

We're picking up words at a pretty good pace these days, and I read somewhere recently that in a couple months he'll be learning 20 words a day! So I thought I'd try to commit to a weekly update of new words he can say, on Wednesdays...forgive me if there are any repeats from the previous list.

- giraffe (my favorite word of his yet - no one would be able to translate this without assistance but it is a very excited "Geeeaaaaf!"
- train
- whale
- plane

...potentially "Carrie" after his favorite aunt spent the weekend with him.

Still no 'mom.'

In other news of note, he understands quite a bit of what we say to him. He can throw things away in the garbage, deliver things from person to person in the room, get down the stairs by himself (backwards, finally!), knock on the door to get inside, and knows we walk Stella out the front door but run her in the mornings out the garage (back door).

He has also become quite the little performer.

Last night at Club Lucky he had hubby, sis, Tracy and I in tears over a couple of random tricks he is working on. Nothing earth shattering - but he hams it up and knows he is on stage, which makes it all the funnier. And he laughs when we laugh, and so on and so on.

He's pretty entertaining to hang out with these days.

Needless to say, we enjoyed the long weekend together.

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