Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kiss the Baby

I taught Ben this really cute new trick, or so I thought, called "kiss the baby."

Given how much he has been picking up on things lately, I thought it made sense to start talking about the soon-to-arrive baby. The baby is super active in the morning so lately, when we're all hanging out in bed before I hop in the shower, I'll let him touch my belly. Sometimes he feels it move, but mostly he just likes to give my belly a kiss, and a hug.

He always lifts my shirt to do so, I think b/c my belly button looks really funny and makes him laugh.

Anyway, its super cute and makes everyone smile.

So while at dinner in a packed restaurant Sat night, Ben decides he wants to kiss the baby.

Those of you wiser folks likely saw this coming...and of course he doesn't want to kiss the baby through my shirt, he wants to lift it up.

The naked pregnant belly is a beautiful site to a very small minority, and even those don't likely want a glimpse of it while eating dinner. Yet, he would not be dissauded, so up the shirt went and he gave the baby a big kiss and hug.

Tonight while walking Stella, right around the time everything went to pot and I had to start carrying him far from our house, you guessed it. He wanted to kiss the baby. And I was wearing a dress. So we spent half a block wrestling and crying, while he tried to disrobe me on a major street in our neighborhood.


It's like a non-stop charlie fox trot these days. Image what a mess I'll be with another strapped to me. Haha.

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