Monday, November 23, 2009

Ben's menu

Ben's menu of real food options is expanding quickly and continues to be such a fun adventure.

Below is the list of real people foods we've tackled, mostly in order of his favorites:
1. avocado
2. mac & cheese (Kraft please - they are a client but not one of mine)
3. Cheerios
4. pancakes
5. turkey (lunch meat)
6. puffs, puffs, puffs
7. apple sauce
8. bananas
9. eggs
10. pears
11. grapes
12. sweet potatoes
13. hummus
14. noodles

I'm integrating things as fast as I can think of them. And he really seems to like everything. Though his favorites are obvious b/c he gets SO excited. Arms flapping, mouth open, squealing - so excited. Oh, and the second tooth is coming in on the bottom too.

He is also totally motoring around the house now. We're baby proofing as quickly as he is exploring, with gates coming this weekend from Cathy just in time.

Looking forward to catching up with the families this week for turkey day. It's been a while since anyone has seen him and certainly not since all of the excitement of November.


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