Friday, December 17, 2010

Kids Update

Simply put, the kids are awesome. The house is really noisy and cluttered, we're averaging 2-3 loads of laundry a day, and hubby and I have two hours of quite a day once everyone is down, but we wouldn't change a thing.

These pictures admittedly aren't great, but I know I need to get an update posted so this is what we've got.

Ben is funnier than ever. I'm biased but I really think it's true. He still isn't saying a ton (hence postponing our Wednesday Words), but he understands everything. In English and Polish. This picture is Ben at his happiest - in dad's chair, with his ipad playing games, milk, and fire truck. He loves to sing songs, which basically just means singing his favorite words (baba, dada, mama, gigi, stella, water). We sing to stay awake when we're driving and he is really tired.

He loves, loves, loves his dad. They do bath and story time together at the end of every day and I love to listen to all the laughter upstairs. There is still no better sound than his little laugh, and no one makes him laugh like his dad.

Juliet, who has officially been nicknamed Gigi by Ben, continues to be an angel. She is just the sweetest. She smiles and smiles and smiles. She is increasingly more alert, likes her playmat, loves the Christmas tree, adores Ben, and seriously just smiles at anyone who gives her a second glance.

Our biggest challenges of late have been that she seems to be holding her ground on not taking a bottle. Good times, especially for poor Paula. We're also tackling sleep training, which means a lot of crying but I'm confident she'll have it mastered shortly. Her nursery is almost finished and looks SO cute. She'll start napping down there during the day, and probably make the move down after Christmas. Pictures will be posted when we're finished.

Ben is cutting FIVE teeth right now, which sucks for him. And he seems to have a perpetually runny nose. I guess that is just part of it once they start hitting classes and playdates but it's crappy. We literally had three days of a clean nose and yesterday the rosy cheeks reappeared and his nose is a mess again. Poor guy.

But overall, things are awesome. Christmas is going to be a blast. We've been talking a lot about Santa but have yet to meet the big suited character. I promise lots more pictures from the holidays. Lots of outfits to show off :)

Hope all is well with you and yours. The holiday cards have started arriving and they are so cute!

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