Saturday, March 20, 2010

Growing Pains

With the milestone of turning one year old, come a few fun advancements...

...the car seat turns around to face forward, rather than towards the rear;
...he ditches formula and starts on whole milk (yay!);
...we can try peanut butter AND bring a blanket into the crib (obviously totally unrelated).

However there are a couple bittersweet changes too...

...while we never relied too heavily on them, pacifiers have long since passed their time of necessity and off they go. Outside of briefly revisiting our trusty friend during a nasty cold this week, the little guy has done a much better job than anticipated leaving this habit in the dust. Something about this makes me feel like he is growing up too quickly though, I guess b/c you don't need a pacifier when you're not a baby.

And then there is the bottle. Sigh.

Months ago I started integrating the sippy-cups, and drinking with straws, in anticipation of this day. In fact we've nearly phased out bottles, keeping them for just two occasions - first thing in the morning and bed time. Yet, with this transition looming, I find myself making excuses and putting it off. Not because I don't think he'll deal well (though it is a tough competition as to who loves these sessions more), but b/c I'm going to miss them so much.

Man, this kid is a cuddler. You can't even imagine what a good cuddler he is until you've got his little arms wrapped around you, squeezing tight. He gives the best hugs. Especially during these two feedings, both done in the dark, snuggled together in the glider, just me and my little guy. He never cares how tightly I hold on. And when he's finished he always climbs up, latches on and lays his head down on my shoulder.

There is seriously nothing better in my world.

How do I say goodbye to this happiness?

Thankfully I have a full container of formula left and the ped said no reason to eliminate bottles before it's used up :)

Is there a support group for adults giving up the bottle? I need help.

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