Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Look Who's Talking (and Sitting Up)

Ben laughed out loud for the first time today and it was the best thing I've ever seen. He was sitting up on the couch and Stella gave him a big kiss and he totally started giggling. She loved it as much as we did and went in for another. It happened about five times before the novelty of the dog smooches wore off.

Here you will see a little laugh, smiles and some talking. He is literally growing before our eyes, perhaps the 8 oz bottles he is eating during the day with Paula? He's still going to bed really early so I only get about 45 minutes after work but today the time was awesome.



Lauren said...

This is just too cute! I love the videos....they really show your little guy in action.

Carrettas in Chicago said...

He is delicious! And I love the Stella story - so adorable. Glad to hear they're getting along famously.