Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday morning

Everyone sleeps in. Glorious start to the day.

Get Ben out of bed and into cutest new outfit I just got him from Gilt. Pick up Gigi, change diaper.

Ben pees his pants. We’re fully potty training now, so this actually happens all the time, but I’m sad because he had his adorable outfit on for 5 minutes tops. I strip him down to just (clean) Thomas undies.

I start to nurse Gigi. It’s the only time of the day she’ll still do it, presumably because she’s so hungry and even then she barely eats.

Ben comes in and points to his bottom, which means poop. I try to get him to walk up the steps to sit on his potty. He won’t. Unlatch Gigi, put her on the floor (is it any wonder she doesn’t want to eat with me?), scoot Ben upstairs. He sits. No poop.

Get Gigi upstairs, try to get her to eat more. Moment has passed, she's all smiles and no longer interested in eating. I start to pump.

Ben pees on the floor. I wipe up, while pumping.

Ben, now completely pantless plays at train table.

Pees on the floor again. I wipe up, still pumping. Points to bottom. Goes to sit on potty. Nothing.

Gigi spits up all over herself (thankfully I at least had the foresight to not yet put her in the cute outfit I picked out because this is very predictable). Clean her face, still pumping.

Ben points to his bottom, turns red in the face. Poops on the floor. About six inches from the potty.

Pick up poop. Deliver to toilet. Talk about how we like to poop IN the potty, rather than next to it.

He sits. He poops and pees in the toilet.

It’s 7:25. I’ve been up for 35 minutes and this is already the longest day ever.

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