Sunday, January 16, 2011

Packing Up the Crew

Preparing for a week away with two kids is seriously a job in and of itself, but alas I think we're there. Bags are packed, strollers, Bjorns, bottles, geez.

We've been hyping the trip to Ben all week. He is really excited, though I'm not sure he knows exactly for what.

Airplane entertainment is a top priority for hubby and me so we planned to bring a few of Ben's favorite books, toys, and of course the ipad.

So tonight hubby comes up after putting Ben down and says "OK, we decided on...Toby, Bertie, Thomas, Harold, Percy and the icecream truck."

Thinking about the two of them planning all the toys we'd bring melts my heart in a thousand ways. And the simple fact that Ben is allowed to bring five trains and a truck speaks volumes considering in the same breathe hubby warned me about going over the 50lb weight limit with our suitcase and started critiquing specific items I packed.

We've never had a full week in Naples and I am so excited I am sure I won't sleep tonight...

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