Friday, January 21, 2011

Constantly Seeking Balance

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a text book type A personality. A scheduler. And I have trouble starting something new if I can't plan time to continue doing it for the foreseeable future.

For example, I wouldn't work out on a Wednesday if I knew I couldn't do it Thurs, Fri and Sat, simply because the lack of continuity would bother me. Not logical, but I'm just rigid that way.

One of my biggest challenges in going back to work is balance. And as much as I'm missing the time with the kids being out of the house 9 hours a day, I'm also missing time to work out, do pilates, etc. These selfish things are really important to keeping me happy with myself, and happier overall.

So today is one small victory in that I successfully got up early and hit the gym before work. Friday's are easier b/c I work from home, therefore can come home sweaty and don't have to budget in time for shower, make up, etc.

Hubby watched the kids before Paula got here, and I plan to go during nap time Sat and Sun.

While not yet ideal -I'd really like to get up to 5 days a week - it's a start. And with Juliet still getting up at night, it's likely all I'll realistically be able to squeeze in for now.

But it feels like a major achievement to make some time for myself.

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