Thursday, October 21, 2010

big news...

still pregnant.

A few things I've learned this week:
- it is not a medical fact that your second baby will deliver earlier than your first. that is actually categorically false.
- you CAN carry a baby in your shorts for a week without any appendages busting through.
- sulking does not bring on labor.
- ...nor do cookies, brownies or cake (but all are yummy and make me feel better)
- people (read: strangers on the street) can not help themselves from looking at me with deep sympathy at this point.
- blackberries do not like to swim in coffee (while not directly related to pregnancy, thought I'd share).

Doctor's appointment this morning revealed I'm dialated to 3CM.

Induction scheduled for 10/28, though she predicted babes will be here this weekend.

If I've learned anything at all this week, it's that I'm not going to pin my hopes on that guess. I'll see this kid next Thursday and if it arrives sooner, so be it.

1 comment:

TKTC said...

Now I wish I'd. Commented when I first read this last night! When I thought "she's coming now becauser that's the kind of thing daughters do to moms." And for some reason I had been thinking girl but my odds were prety good for guessing on that front. So so happy for you guys and am in love with that name. Mazel!!