Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Healthy Check Up

We had our six month appointment last Friday (a little late, he is actually 6 1/2 months now), and Ben checked out across the board. Here are the stats:

Weight: 18.13oz (almost 19lbs); Length: 27 inches; Head: 18 - this puts him 75%, 75%, 90% percentile respectively.

It's funny how they quietly encourage parents to get crazy about overachieving at this early age. I'm just happy he appears to be evenly balanced, and of course healthy.

He got immunized for a ton of stuff, three shots total b/c they combine them, including the flu vaccine. We have to go back for a second flu and then potentially H1N1 as well next month. That alone (H1N1) could scare me sleepless but I'm trying not to think about it. He was a rock star and took them like a champ. Hubby came with and coached him through it, holding his little hands.

We also have successfully (so far) eliminated the 9:30pm feeding, though I'm personally meeting it with mixed emotions. I almost always love this feeding, it's 30 more minutes with him and I still count minutes! But he is getting up at 5:30 am and it would be nice to get some extra sleep when needed. And occasionally we do go out to dinner (crazy!), and I still really only trust Paula to wake/feed him, which isn't practical during the week.

So we took advantage of his extreme fatigue following the Toledo trip and tried skipping the feeding. And he slept through. Sat. Sun. Mon. It's a streak. The doc says we can let him cry it out if he wakes, and frankly he has proven that he doesn't need the extra food (his big thighs concur).

It's hard to complain b/c others I've talked to aren't getting this much sleep from their babes and metabolically he can make it through the night, but I miss him. It's hard to say goodnight for good at 7pm.

I'm a loser, I know. I just love the little guy. And I still worry about him, and it was a nice assurance to see him one more time before I went to bed. OK, enough. That is the report. We are going out for mexican and margs tonight so hopefully somehow I'm achieving balance.

But I already miss him, until tomorrow...

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