Sunday, July 19, 2009

jeans, jeans, jeans

I am at my very happiest when I am in jeans, so perhaps that is why I think Ben looks his most adorable in them too. A couple of cute ones from this weekend.

I'm so far behind on posts and yet Ben's latest activities aren't too much different than before. My sis and Tara came in this weekend. T's first introductions with Ben. It was so fun to hang out - Ben and all his ladies.

Last night we had a babysitter - which is the easiest gig out there. Ben goes down at 6:15pm and doesn't resurface until 6:30am (thank you!). Basically we pay someone to watch TV at our house. However, apparently last night - excited by all the activity of the weekend - Ben woke up at 9:30 and 'convinced' the babysitter to get him out of his crib. As she tells it, he was very excited to see her and they stayed up for an hour hanging out. Of course he was excited?! He probably told her he is allowed to watch TV and eat popcorn too! Hilarious. I'm still thinking through how this affects me long term but it isn't good. I typically wake him to feed him at 9:30 so apparently he is being conditioned to expect this interruption/party and missing it when it doesn't occur on schedule.

And lately we have been (against advice from the experts) making a party of the 9:30 feeding. It is one more chance at the little guy and he wakes up all smiles. How can we resist? Apparently you're supposed to encourage him to 'sleep through' the feeding - which he did used to do until we started coming downstairs with balloons and music. We're already flipping the coin for who gets to wake him up tonight. Maybe we'll start tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

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