Thursday, October 15, 2009

Colds Descend

Well after the high of the marathon, all the fans hit a speed bump. Ben woke up with a runny nose Monday, bounced back on Tuesday when I started feeling it, and by Wed everyone was in bad shape. Compounded by an unusually bad week at the office, we're left with bleary eyes, stuffed up heads, laundry and dishes piling up around us, Stella' s still limping, and germs, germs, germs.

Hubby is on the road, which is actually good. Hopefully it will break the cycle of spreading. Even Paula is sick. I've alcohol-wiped everything in the house and still turn to find Ben's fingers unexpectedly poking in my mouth and then immediately in his own. Alas, this is a losing battle.

Worst of all, this dumb cold has invited my worry demons back. You may remember "the worrier" which kept me up most of the night for the first 16 weeks of Ben's life? I literally have just started sleeping with the light off the monitor at night and now this.

As I stare at my little camper in his crib, tossing and turning, sniffling and coughing, I fight with the worrier to manage the freak out. Mostly recalling this stupid, stupid, stupid book I read while pregnant where the woman's baby died of the flu (don't even get me started, it seemed a quick, innocent read when I picked it up, I never saw it coming - trust me I never would have read it). I know I should be happy he is building his immune system, and of course he woke up smiling and laughing today even though his face was a mess with mucus. But the stupid worry. Ugh.

Anyway, we will all survive. God bless us that this is our biggest challenge with all that is going on with those around us. I can't even believe I'm typing this post now that I think of it.

I promise to put up some pictures in the next 48 hours. I have tons of cute ones (obviously) from the weekend.

Stay tuned!!

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