Monday, October 26, 2009

Pinot and Special K?

I woke up today and momentarily considered eating my Special K with wine instead of milk.

What does that say about me?

Going on fifth day without hubby and while I CHERISH the time alone with my little guy, anticipating another couple days of single-parenthood, as a working mother, has me dreaming of alcohol at odd hours. What do single parents really do to survive??

I realized today that October has been a killer, with Ben's ridiculous morning hours (STILL IN DENIAL), colds, visitors, hubby gone most of the month, work super busy, poor Stella, it's a lot.

And the rain is always the deal-breaker. It's boring to even explain but it's the final straw in the Stella/Ben evening equation. Rain makes everything harder.

Again, am I complaining about this mundate junk? Yes. But at least with the wherewithall that I could have it much worse and am grateful that I don't. Obviously I'd be hard-pressed to handle it...

And as a completely random aside - have you tried Special K with berries (with milk)? Seriously, the bowl of cereal really sticks with you. I'm kind of amazed everytime I eat it. At 6am. And then don't eat again until lunch. And I'm a HUGE snacker. They may be on to something. I may eat a bowl for dinner too. Thanks mom, I owe you for that one. You really do know everything.

Happy Monday.

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