Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4 Months Young

Juliet is four months old today. Where does the time go?

Took a couple pics of the kids today for the first time in way too long.

Life has been busy. Am I a broken record? But when you stop and take it all in, it doesn't get much better than this.

The kids are great, funnier and more full of energy every day. Juliet has taken up sing/screaming, much like Ben, in her crib in the morning. She's proving to be a big talker, just like her mom.

Ben adores her (as long as she isn't gumming a toy he hasn't paid attention to in 18 months, in which case his interest is immediately renewed when she has it).

The cabin fever is palpable, but we were able to get outside a bit this weekend which was glorious. We took a couple big walks with Juliet cashing out while Ben pointed 'this way,' and 'that way' navigating our course all around the neighborhood.

Tonight I formalized Ben's position as my sous chef, setting him up with a chair counterside to assist me in making spaghetti sauce and noodles. Which he then cheerfully ate for his dinner. Brilliant.

It's the end of February ... we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. With a trip to FL in March, I know we'll make it to spring.

What are you doing to pass the time at your house these days?

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