Monday, November 29, 2010


Everyone made the most of this eating holiday, including my sweet girl.

We are officially on the bottle!

To be introduced at 4-5 weeks, it took her longer to grasp the idea than I remember the first time around. But never the less, with a little persistence and patience (thank you hubby and mom), she's got it.

I fed her a bottle myself tonight, which they really don't recommend (b/c she can smell my milk up to 20 feet away??) and she sucked down 3 ounces without a second thought.

What does this mean?

Freedom, my friends. Freedom.

It means date nights with hubby, pilates classes and the gym once I'm cleared (six days and counting), quite simply the ability to leave the house for more than 2 hours at a time.

Aside from sleeping through the night, this is the single biggest milestone we're working towards in her young life.

To celebrate, hubby, sis, Gaston and I went out Sat night to a post-Thanksgiving pub crawl organized by some friends. I can't tell you how refreshing it was to be in a bar full of carefree people again. Sad but true, it's like a breath of fresh air...a glimpse of our old lives.

Not that we'd trade, don't get me wrong, but it's very nice to be able to visit again.

Great job little eater. I'm so proud of you.

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