Tuesday, June 1, 2010

quick update of nothingness

Thanks for the well wishes on the growing little person!

Lots of fun family pics to come after a surprise weekend home to see the families this weekend. Sadly they are likely going to be delayed another week before posting. Crazy schedule between work and play. I should have brought the mac in the car yesterday...Duh!

Mom and dad come in town tomorrow to watch the little guy while hubby and I head out of town to VEGAS!

(Why would someone ever plan a trip to Vegas while pregnant you may wonder? They wouldn't, and I wasn't when we booked the dates...but alas you can have fun without alcohol, right?)

OH - Ben officially has a first word! Ball. Or rather 'bah' but it counts. We'll get some video captured.

Hopefully you've had glorious weather where you are. It makes all the difference in my world, doesn't it?

Happy Memorial Day and have a great week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ball was Connor's first word too!!!