Thursday, March 17, 2011

Naples with Grandparents

While there were at least 100 pictures taken of the kids during their visit with the grandparents in Naples, I have just a few...

In between all the coming and going, we celebrated Ben's birthday with all the grandparents this weekend in FL. A few pictures of the visit before I took off for JAX.

The beach on a chilly day, though Ben still jumped in the big drink. Another of Ben walking the property in nothing but his PJs shirt and Thomas undies. Gigi and grandpa Joe.

They had the best time ever. Of course.

Enjoy the pics :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quail Hunting

The boys went quail hunting while we were on vacation. Put aside the inhumanity of hunting for a minute while I tell you about the fantastic dinner we had as a result...

30 quail, prepared by a local JAX chef. Grilled and fried. With an andouille sausage sauce, and buttermilk cream sauce. Cheesy grits. Asparagus. Collard greens. Bread pudding for dessert.

Pictures are a little blurry, likely due to heavy wine consumption as a part of my relaxation therapy.

It. was. amazing.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Personal Vacation

I had a meltdown in Florida.

In hindsight, the signs of it coming were pretty obvious.

For days on end I was desperately seeking an infusion of patience, as the kids were pushing my every button. That never happens. I found myself frustrated with everyone, even the cat, who's biggest offense is breathing. I was totally at the end of my rope.

Probably a result of several weeks of going at it too hard. The flu, the half marathon, a pretty bad cold, sick kids, hubby traveling, work, whatever. Life is busy but it had gotten the best of me.

I landed in Florida and totally broke down. Huge fight with hubby. Once he was gone, I took it out on my parents and sister.

Ick. It was not a pretty side of me. I've apologized, but frankly am still a little embarrassed.

Hubby must have anticipated it too, long before the signs even started appearing, because he sent me on this trip to Jacksonville. A night alone in a hotel, with a morning of spa treatments before he joined me following a hunting adventure with some guys from work.

And I was pissed. It was a logistical pain in the ass. I was already sooooooo tired.

And then I was leaving the kids with my parents (who couldn't have been more thrilled), when I really just wanted to play with them at the pool and relax.

It wasn't until I was flying there that I realized the brilliance of his plan (so annoying, he is always right).

It was so quiet. I napped on the plane.

I desperately needed a break.

To have no where to go. Nothing to wake up for. No one needed me. It has honestly been years.

I slept in. I found a little boutique in town and bought some cute stuff. I laid at the pool. I hung out with a wife of hubby's colleague and swapped notes on all the crazy, exhausting, amazing, ridiculous things about being a mom. I got a massage. And a facial.

Hubby got to the hotel and we went to an amazing dinner party (separate post).

It was simply glorious.

24 hours later I was completely refreshed and ready to go at it all over again.

Oh, and we flew back to Naples on his boss' private plane, pictured here. I am officially ruined from flying commercial.

Monday, March 14, 2011

(a few more) joys of breastfeeding

We're going on vacation while on vacation. The itinerary is so complex, I'd have to convince you it will be relaxing, and frankly I'm not yet sure myself.

However the trip involves almost 24 hours of alone time for me which sounds equal parts ridiculous, selfish, and glorious.

In order to pull off this insane agenda, I am leaving the kids with my parents for 2 days. Weeks ago I thought I'd just feed Gigi formula for a couple days but since she's proven so flexible in her feeding (not) I conceded to the fact that I'd need to bring milk with me.

Planning how many ounces she'll eat while we're apart, translated into 4 oz storage bags, requires college-level mathematics which I do NOT have.

So here we are at airport security, the line has already been unforgivably slow and we're going to have to run to the gate anyway when the agent pulls the cooler off the line and indicates it needs extra screening. Fine. Whatever.

But she then proceeds to unpack every. single. carefully. packed. bag (all18 of them) to wipe each down. Then she wipes me down. Then she wipes the cooler down. And then Litmus tests the fresh milk.


(We made the plane but not without me running ahead, Juliet in Bjorn, as they were calling final boarding)

Today I'm at a different airport, flying out to meet hubby somewhere else in FL and I'm standing in the bathroom stall pumping...thinking for the millionth time how unglamorous this all is.

Someone is smoking in the bathroom. Seriously. People still do that? And then someone knocks on my stall door to see if I'm OK.

Frankly I'm surprised this hasn't happened much sooner given the heightened airport awareness and all the weird noises the pump makes.

But more concerning than the broad across the isle lighting up?

And as I was cleaning all the pump parts in the sink, someone hurried into a bathroom stall while catching vomit in her hands. At that moment I decided to stop keeping all this great content to myself and start sharing.

The joys of breastfeeding they don't mention in the books...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday morning

Everyone sleeps in. Glorious start to the day.

Get Ben out of bed and into cutest new outfit I just got him from Gilt. Pick up Gigi, change diaper.

Ben pees his pants. We’re fully potty training now, so this actually happens all the time, but I’m sad because he had his adorable outfit on for 5 minutes tops. I strip him down to just (clean) Thomas undies.

I start to nurse Gigi. It’s the only time of the day she’ll still do it, presumably because she’s so hungry and even then she barely eats.

Ben comes in and points to his bottom, which means poop. I try to get him to walk up the steps to sit on his potty. He won’t. Unlatch Gigi, put her on the floor (is it any wonder she doesn’t want to eat with me?), scoot Ben upstairs. He sits. No poop.

Get Gigi upstairs, try to get her to eat more. Moment has passed, she's all smiles and no longer interested in eating. I start to pump.

Ben pees on the floor. I wipe up, while pumping.

Ben, now completely pantless plays at train table.

Pees on the floor again. I wipe up, still pumping. Points to bottom. Goes to sit on potty. Nothing.

Gigi spits up all over herself (thankfully I at least had the foresight to not yet put her in the cute outfit I picked out because this is very predictable). Clean her face, still pumping.

Ben points to his bottom, turns red in the face. Poops on the floor. About six inches from the potty.

Pick up poop. Deliver to toilet. Talk about how we like to poop IN the potty, rather than next to it.

He sits. He poops and pees in the toilet.

It’s 7:25. I’ve been up for 35 minutes and this is already the longest day ever.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Why, why, why has it taken me so long to get creative with mealtime?

Ben used to eat everything.

Like cuddle-fish-in-Chinatown-everything. It was awesome. Mainly because he was so entertaining to take out, and waitresses marveled as he sucked down bowls of clam chowder, ate salsa with a spoon, shoveled in hummus, there was literally nothing he wouldn't try.

Then somehow we slipped into the cheese phase. Where for probably two months all he would eat was cheese. Not macaroni and cheese, or grilled cheese, just cheese. Slices, cubes, spreads. As long as it was cheese.

Thankfully we've landed somewhere in between now, but I still long for my adventurous little eater. And of course there are the nutritional concerns too. Docs say view the week, rather than day, so you don't obsess over fruits and veggies constantly. But I struggle in pretty much every category outside of dairy (he's a milkaholic and still loves his cheese).

So why did it take me so long to figure out that I could strategically plan my meals with a little trickery in mind?

Last week, after a total bust on steamed broccoli and cheese, I decided to smash steamed broccoli into his mashed potatoes. He loved them. No questions asked.

Imagine the possibilities here...I can totally mask fruits and vegetables into all kinds of things with a little focus.

How do you get your kids to eat their fruits and veggies?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Loving LIfe

With two kids, I've found there is a little less time (ha!) to actually stop and enjoy how awesome they are. We're always rushing from one thing to the next, eating, napping, cleaning.

I've found, the best opportunity is when the other is sleeping. Here's a little video from my date with Juliet on the couch this afternoon.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I heart you iphone

I've been writing this post in my mind since walking out the door of the Verizon store on Friday, with increasing enthusiasm every minute I play with my new iphone.

And then today I read this post from Cool Mom Tech and she really summarizes things far better than I will so feel free to head there now and skip my thoughts...

BUT, if you're still here, I'll add my own color.

AT&T and I had a pretty horrible breakup in the late 90's and I honestly never recovered. Unless personally, aggressively and persistantly woo'd back, we will never talk again. So the iphone has remained outside of my consideration set all this time. Period.

I bought an ipad a few months ago, really to familiarize myself with apps and the technology because I'm talking so much about it at work it seemed careless not to better understand the landscape. And then I downloaded 50 kid apps and completely lost control of it to Ben. Another post to follow on how swiftly he picked up the functionality and mastered the device...

So when the iphone became available on Verizon, I started thinking. And really the keypad situation was the only thing holding me back. I type A LOT of emails on my bberry. And I love the keyboard. I would knock the socks off my 8th grade typing teacher with the skills I have on my bberry.

But the gamble seemed worth it. The pay off was SO HUGE. So I pulled the trigger on Friday. In a rush to get it before taking off for the Princess Half so I could take pictures during the race (yes, seriously. I'm an impulse shopper)

I haven't looked back. In fact, I can't seem to seperate myself from it. This will be one of one million posts about it, I'm guessing.

I took pics throughout the race as planned, posted them to Facebook and here. I read a book on the flight home. I have taken almost 50 pictures in 6 days. I've downloaded runner tracking apps, recipe apps, organizational apps. I'm considering switching my blog to a new platform so I can more easily update from my phone.

I can't get enough. And it is SO EASY. There is an app for EVERYTHING.

Yes, I realize I'm eons behind everyone else. But it doesn't deminish my enthusiasm...

More to come. But for now, I have apps to explore.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gigi's Stats

Ok, to answer the previous question regarding smell - perhaps?

She slept till 5AM today which is great, though of course not nearly as dreamy as her performance for dad. Sigh.

We will get there, in time. Last night marked her first night down in the nursery for the full night. Relatively painless for all. I actually can't believe how long I allowed her to stay with us...or that I'm admitting it here.

I was crazy with Ben (let me count the ways), kicking him out at 8 weeks. I think I was afraid I'd become a co-sleeper. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just know myself and once he was in our bed, soft and snuggly, I know I wouldn't let him leave until he was 20.

In retrospect there was really no logic to getting him out so soon since he was still feeding at night. And as mentioned, I was CRAZY. I vividly recall moving myself (and hubby, and Stella) downstairs into our spare bedroom at the time, "sleeping" with the monitor on my pillow, which really meant staring at that stupid screen ALL. NIGHT. LONG. making sure he was still breathing.

For a month. And after two days I was alone.

Thank God I'm more relaxed this time around. Seriously. I couldn't handle that level of insanity another six months. I was out of my mind.

Anyway, back to Gigi. We had her 4 month appointment today, here are her stats:

- weight - 14lbs, 13oz (75%)
- length - 25.5 inches (90%)
- head circumference 16 (75-90%)

No sign of the VSD!

At the risk of going on a boring diatribe, who the hell cares about head circumference? I don't. Nor have I yet figured out why it matters. I guess if they had a flat head? Otherwise, seriously, what does head size have to do with anything?

But I am thrilled that she is already proving to be very tall. Thank goodness for our collective genes on that one. Being tall means only one thing to me - being able to eat more. Seriously. More room to spread out those calories.

I guess we can staring dreaming about basketball scholorships too, but I'm a foodie at heart and feel comforted in the fact that she's off to a good start :)

Can She Really Smell Me?!

Inevitably hubby has it easier than me. I share stories of my trials with the kids at the end of each day. He hits the road for stretches at a time and I get the colds and the freak outs.

On the rare occassion that he has them on his own, they seem to nap longer, eat more, generally behave perfectly.

So while out of town for the half marathon, I wasn't entirely shocked to hear Juliet slept through the night that first night. She had proven capable before I left, so a repeat performance, while unexpected wasn't totally shocking.

But two nighs in a row??

@foodmomiac joked (I think) that Juliet could smell me, or my absence, and that was why she was sleeping through the night, which I laughed off...but later her comment got me thinking. While I didn't entirely buy into it, the experts do suggest when bottle training that the mom leave the house because the baby can smell 'the real deal' near-by.

Could Juliet be waking up at night simply based on proximity to me?

(Is the princess still sleeping in our room? GASP. She is.)

So tonight she is sleeping in her room all night, all by herself...what do you think the outcome will be?

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Princess Posse

When I was pregnant with Ben, a friend suggested we plan a trip after he was born for just hubby and me. Something we'd look forward to and also to kind of force us to get away. At the time we decided on Hood to Coast. I liked it because while achieving the above, it also gave me a something to get back in shape for.

It proved to be one of our favorite trips in recent memory, so when I was pregnant with Juliet I decided to do something similar. A friend at work mentioned the Princess Half Marathon and it seemed perfect. Perhaps a bit aggressive just 16 weeks after Jules was born, but most likely attainable.

So off we went, my sis and @foodmomiac, to tackle the Princess Half. While none of us felt particularly well trained, we went at it will full enthusiasm, including tutus (courtesy of Tutus for Tanner - from Catherine who I've yet to meet but can't wait for NO where I will!)

Inspite of a 4AM DEPARTURE from the hotel (ACK!) we had the best day ever! I can't remember the last time I ran with friends, women, with no music, 13 miles, and felt fantastic.

Seriously, as a runner this is the nirvana that we're constantly seeking but rarely find.

And speaking of nirvana, while I missed those little faces dearly, it was so nice to get away and just be myself for a couple days. No kids to feed, or diaper, or entertain. It's a luxury I rarely offer myself, and never for more than an hour or two, and it proved to be a wonderful treat.

By the end, I couldn't wait another minute to see them again. And I can't even explain the look of relief, gratitude, excitement and enthusiasm that greeted me immediately upon walking in the door tonight; everyone from hubby, to Stella, to Paula and the kids...making all the work I do at home seem much more appreciated than any ordinary Monday.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Juliet slept through the night last night!!

Of course I did the obligatory spring from bed in a panic at 5:30AM fearing the worst but she was just fine :)

Hopefully a sign of great things to come...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4 Months Young

Juliet is four months old today. Where does the time go?

Took a couple pics of the kids today for the first time in way too long.

Life has been busy. Am I a broken record? But when you stop and take it all in, it doesn't get much better than this.

The kids are great, funnier and more full of energy every day. Juliet has taken up sing/screaming, much like Ben, in her crib in the morning. She's proving to be a big talker, just like her mom.

Ben adores her (as long as she isn't gumming a toy he hasn't paid attention to in 18 months, in which case his interest is immediately renewed when she has it).

The cabin fever is palpable, but we were able to get outside a bit this weekend which was glorious. We took a couple big walks with Juliet cashing out while Ben pointed 'this way,' and 'that way' navigating our course all around the neighborhood.

Tonight I formalized Ben's position as my sous chef, setting him up with a chair counterside to assist me in making spaghetti sauce and noodles. Which he then cheerfully ate for his dinner. Brilliant.

It's the end of February ... we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. With a trip to FL in March, I know we'll make it to spring.

What are you doing to pass the time at your house these days?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Baba!

One of my all time favorite pics - Happy Birthday Baba! Can't wait to celebrate with you in a couple weeks in sunny Florida.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Hubby

To my gorgeous hubby, wonderful father and love of my life - happy birthday to you. Thank you for all the smiles you bring to our lives. XO

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baba's Visit

Much delayed, but here are a few pics from Baba's visit. As I looked through them today, I realized she was here three weeks ago and that was literally the last time the kids were outside. Sigh. Winter.

But today it is sunny and a balmy 35 degrees! As soon as everyone wakes up from their naps we're going on a big walk to soak in some Vitamin D and fresh air.

Check out Ben's awesome pancake from Baba - she rocks!

And Ben totally get's Skype now so we talk to my parents once a week, and now hubby too since he's been traveling so much. It is awesome, and a great way to keep everyone close even when they are far away.

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Goldie Locks

Glimpses of my sweet girl's personality are starting to shine through, and she's proving to be a stubborn, high maintenance little lady.

Ironically she went straight from reluctance to drink a bottle to preferring them over eating from me. It's less work. I'll call it efficiency versus laziness :) But she takes things a step further by requiring the milk to be warmed to the perfect temperature.

And just like Goldie Locks, if it's a bit too cool, she refuses to eat until I've reheated the bottle.

I can't make this stuff up. It's happened two feedings in a row.

She flat out refuses, cries and spits the milk out. Warm up the bottle, and down the hatch the ounces go.

It would be funny if I weren't pumping before every feeding to give her this delicious, fresh milk!

Ok, it's still funny. Look at that face. She is seriously the sweetest thing breathing in this house. But I can't even imagine where we're headed if she's this finicky with her bottles. God help us :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So I've been snowed in, figuratively and literally. I feel like everyone is looking at me with disappointed, sad eyes wanting more from me and there just isn't time...

Ok, Stella is the only one giving me actual sad eyes but between a ton of work (hopefully just a confluence of events that I've told myself will be resolved by March 1st), all this freaking snow, hubby traveling the last 2 weeks, all this freaking snow (which incidentally means I can't get out of my garage, every day is a guess as to whether Paula in her little Toyota will be able to find her way here), computer issues at home and at work, a root canal, and now sick kids, I can not seem to get ahead of the game.

I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer, we're actually getting along pretty well, all things considered, but blog updates aren't even on the radar right now.

I have pics from Baba's trip two weeks ago and stories of white whale's with aunt Carrie but they are still days away at best.

I'll repeat my matra for this week...doing the best I can, and SORRY!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocolypse, Blizzaster, Snowmagedon

Finder? Ugh, meant fonder on previous post obviously...

So the Blizzard of 2011 delivered. I was begging for it as weatherman were hyping this storm all week, assuming it was just another media blitz.

It wasn't.

And as the wind howled on Tuesday night, I cheered; while also charging my eletronics and bracing for the worst.

It was really hard to tell if it was amassing into anything because there was so much wind. Even when we woke to snow piled high on the front door it was tough to tell.

But when I went to brush off our steps (we have no shovel, hubby usually brooms as it comes down??) and it was up to my knees, my waist, oh my!

Hubby was stuck in LA and Paula was stranded at home so it was a snow day for all...PJ party for Ben. We had a great day, and I managed to squeeze in a good amount of work too.

It wasn't till the kiddies went to bed bed and I ventured into the alley that I really understood the full weight of the storm. Pics from the alley -- before Stella and I ran back and forth over and over in snow deep enough to swallow her up.

Amazing. And fun to see how everyone bands together. My neighbors stopped by on their way to the grocery (on foot) to see if we needed anything. People, armed with shovels, helping others dug out their cars.

Today, another neighbor snow blowed (?) the ENTIRE alley. A miracle really given we may have been stuck in our respective garages until March otherwise.

Even sidewalk edicate is decidedly nicer when there is only room for one person to pass. Everyone smiles and nods and makes room for strangers. Small town niceities come out in everyone.

What wonderful acts did you see during the snow storm?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Finder?

My lack of posts is simply reflective of trying to find time being back to work...compounded by the fact that since returning I've been out for a root canal, traveled to NYC, lost my computer for a day due to technical issues and now Blizzard 2011!

Never fear, I have thoughts to post, pics from a great weekend with my mom and more to come soon, promise!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Constantly Seeking Balance

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a text book type A personality. A scheduler. And I have trouble starting something new if I can't plan time to continue doing it for the foreseeable future.

For example, I wouldn't work out on a Wednesday if I knew I couldn't do it Thurs, Fri and Sat, simply because the lack of continuity would bother me. Not logical, but I'm just rigid that way.

One of my biggest challenges in going back to work is balance. And as much as I'm missing the time with the kids being out of the house 9 hours a day, I'm also missing time to work out, do pilates, etc. These selfish things are really important to keeping me happy with myself, and happier overall.

So today is one small victory in that I successfully got up early and hit the gym before work. Friday's are easier b/c I work from home, therefore can come home sweaty and don't have to budget in time for shower, make up, etc.

Hubby watched the kids before Paula got here, and I plan to go during nap time Sat and Sun.

While not yet ideal -I'd really like to get up to 5 days a week - it's a start. And with Juliet still getting up at night, it's likely all I'll realistically be able to squeeze in for now.

But it feels like a major achievement to make some time for myself.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Last of Naples

Could I stretch this update out any further? Returning to sub 20 degree temperatures, can you blame a girl for relieving the vacation over and over each night?

We had such a fantastic trip down there - staying almost a full week, something I don't think we've ever done before. Hubby put on his out of office, also something I can't remember him doing in forever. He has been working so hard and traveling so much, it was really nice to see him relax a bit.

Seeing the kids with their grandparents is a joy you don't really understand until you have kids of your own. It's just so nice to see our parents love them so much.

Ben and grandpa Joe had a big breakfast together every morning, both waking up at the crack of dawn long before anyone else cares to. They drank fresh Florida OJ and Ben proceeded to then bounce off the walls for the next hour after main-lining all that sugar.

Juliet, born at the onset of one very cold winter, was able to go outside without 18 layers of clothing on and we actually saw her legs for the first time :)

Grandma Marsha and I took her on her first big trip to Waterside, the luxury mall in Naples.

We hit Randy's, our very favorite seafood restaurant. And my sis surprised us with an amazing date night at Tru Lucks, where we had delicious stone crab. Hubby got his fill of Skyline Chili (there aren't any within 6 hours of us up north), and Mama Mia's pizza.

I ran every day and managed to squeeze in a 10 miler in advance of our half marathon at the end of Feb.

Overall it was just the perfect visit with the grandparents, a great way to end my maternity leave, and allowed us a nice break from all this cold and snow.

Thanks to Joe and Marsha for putting up with all the ruckus immediately upon arriving down there yourselves. We loved every minute of it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ben and His Dad

I think I have two more picture posts from Naples. There are really a lot of cute shots, and I know everyone likes the photos so we'll just keep them coming.

Truth be told, my hubby really hates the beach. When we were dating he took me there a lot, in retrospect probably because he knows I loved it. But once married, he gave up the charade and stopped coming down with me but for a sunset or two. The only one able to get his feet back in the sand is little Ben of course.

A couple pictures from our trips to the ocean. And one from the pool. Heated to a balmy 80 degrees, they went swimming almost every night even though it was pretty brisk out. Ben loves blowing bubbles with his dad and did a really great job flapping around in the water...

Potty Training

As anyone with little ones will tell you, a lot of time is spent talking about pee and poop between baby blow outs, diaper changes, and of course potty training.

With boys, everyone says it is much easier to tackle potty training in the summer.

Apparently b/c they just run around naked for a few days and learn to pee outside?? This is really weird and incomprehensible to me but given that everyone also says it isn't something you should try to tackle with a newborn, I've pretty much put it out of my head for now.

Until I walked in on bath time one night and hubby was trying to get Ben to pee on his frog in the bath tub.

Essentially teaching him to pee on command.


So they've been quietly working on this project every night - and we've been talking a lot more about the potty throughout the day.

Tonight, Ben stepped up on his stool and PEED IN THE TOILET!


I'm sure we're eons away from ditching diapers, but we're celebrating the milestone never the less. We cheered and screamed and high fived. Hopefully we didn't scare him out of ever repeating this feat.

Pretty exciting.

Any tips on how to expedite this process??

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sirens and Fire Trucks

How do you impress upon your soon-to-be-two-year-old that a personal visit from the fire station, sirens and all, isn't awesome?

Ben's highchair sits just under our ADT security system and this morning, when I ran upstairs to grab the baby, he stood up and pushed the fire button.

You'd think the piercing alarm that immediately went off would scare the diaper off of him.

Or the fact that Stella totally freaked and started howling like crazy.

Nope. Sure didn't. He was laughing.

And due to a glitch in the call-back system, they called hubby's fax line and got no response and immediately dispatched a truck.

So while I was explaining that pushing that button was VERY BAD, a fire truck came screaching down the street and a full crew charged up our stairs.

At this point Ben was on the couch squealing with delight about the personal visit from the fire house.

All before 9am.


Naples Zoo

Finally able to head outside without freezing our bums off, we were eager to find a few fun activities (besides Skyline Chili) to do with the kids. Naples Zoo is a place we've passed a thousand times but never ventured inside.

It's awesome!

They have a new giraffe exhibit, which as you may know is one of Ben's all time favorite animals, so we headed there first. We also saw lions and tigers and bears :)

And seemingly unassociated with the zoo, "Mickey," a little white bird that followed Ben around for at least 25 minutes provided the most entertainment of all...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Naples pics

The fact that everyone is so pooped today is evidence of the great time that we had. More details to follow but a few cute pics of the kids until then...

Packing Up the Crew

Preparing for a week away with two kids is seriously a job in and of itself, but alas I think we're there. Bags are packed, strollers, Bjorns, bottles, geez.

We've been hyping the trip to Ben all week. He is really excited, though I'm not sure he knows exactly for what.

Airplane entertainment is a top priority for hubby and me so we planned to bring a few of Ben's favorite books, toys, and of course the ipad.

So tonight hubby comes up after putting Ben down and says "OK, we decided on...Toby, Bertie, Thomas, Harold, Percy and the icecream truck."

Thinking about the two of them planning all the toys we'd bring melts my heart in a thousand ways. And the simple fact that Ben is allowed to bring five trains and a truck speaks volumes considering in the same breathe hubby warned me about going over the 50lb weight limit with our suitcase and started critiquing specific items I packed.

We've never had a full week in Naples and I am so excited I am sure I won't sleep tonight...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Flipper (2) it turns out, rolling over (one way) is totally normally at this age. But don't tell her that, I'm sure she is still an over-achiever :)

The Flipper!

Juliet flipped over in her crib yesterday!

It's always funny (at least initially) when they do this for the first time b/c they are so startled by the action and then immediately go into turtle mode, flapping arms and freaking out to be stuck on their back.

(yes, my kids are tummy sleepers. check here for initial post on that. I tried to get Juliet to sleep on her back, but she hated it, just like Ben. Choices you make and then have to live with/worry about).

I thought it was a fluke b/c she is much too young to be flipping, right? But then she did it again today, twice.

I looked it up and the only thing I could find on flipping in my trusty baby bible was listed in the six month chapter. Another over-achieving child :)

The downside of this is that it occurs during nap time and then she is all fired up, even if I go down right away to right the situation. But I just can't beleive she is flipping over. I am off to do some more investigating in my books...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thomas! (part 2)

Signifying the best day in Ben's life so far, we found a Thomas T-shirt and matching sweatshirt set today at Target.

I'm already anticipating having to wrestle it off of him tonight.

He has spent the day chin down, pulling at his shirt picking out Thomas, Percy and James, surprised to see them each and every time.

Simple pleasures my friends.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to Reality (almost)

With my return to work fast approaching, I feel the panic beginning to settle in. If only I could be a stay-at-home-mom WITH a nanny :)

Weeks ago when still-sleep deprived and bleary eyed, heading back to work seemed like a welcome relief. Now of course we're (kind of) on a schedule. I'm working out. Ben is more awesome every day, and it feels tough to leave them.

And there is my self-important concern that they will not possibly survive without me...which couldn't be farther from the truth, but we've had so much fun the last few weeks!

I know it'll be fine, and it will be easier this time. I will like being back at work, being really useful - and when I say that not immediately thinking of Thomas the Train - I'll know what is going on in the world again and enjoy conversing with adults about things going on in the industry.

I do like my job, very much in fact. It will just take a little time to remember after this 'break.'

And nevermind that Ben will soon be speaking to me strictly in Polish.

I will miss them. Sweet, warm Juliet. Funny, sing-songy Ben.

Cherish the days, hold a little tighter, run a little harder. Reality is coming our way, time to get excited about it!