Monday, February 28, 2011

My Princess Posse

When I was pregnant with Ben, a friend suggested we plan a trip after he was born for just hubby and me. Something we'd look forward to and also to kind of force us to get away. At the time we decided on Hood to Coast. I liked it because while achieving the above, it also gave me a something to get back in shape for.

It proved to be one of our favorite trips in recent memory, so when I was pregnant with Juliet I decided to do something similar. A friend at work mentioned the Princess Half Marathon and it seemed perfect. Perhaps a bit aggressive just 16 weeks after Jules was born, but most likely attainable.

So off we went, my sis and @foodmomiac, to tackle the Princess Half. While none of us felt particularly well trained, we went at it will full enthusiasm, including tutus (courtesy of Tutus for Tanner - from Catherine who I've yet to meet but can't wait for NO where I will!)

Inspite of a 4AM DEPARTURE from the hotel (ACK!) we had the best day ever! I can't remember the last time I ran with friends, women, with no music, 13 miles, and felt fantastic.

Seriously, as a runner this is the nirvana that we're constantly seeking but rarely find.

And speaking of nirvana, while I missed those little faces dearly, it was so nice to get away and just be myself for a couple days. No kids to feed, or diaper, or entertain. It's a luxury I rarely offer myself, and never for more than an hour or two, and it proved to be a wonderful treat.

By the end, I couldn't wait another minute to see them again. And I can't even explain the look of relief, gratitude, excitement and enthusiasm that greeted me immediately upon walking in the door tonight; everyone from hubby, to Stella, to Paula and the kids...making all the work I do at home seem much more appreciated than any ordinary Monday.

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