Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Goldie Locks

Glimpses of my sweet girl's personality are starting to shine through, and she's proving to be a stubborn, high maintenance little lady.

Ironically she went straight from reluctance to drink a bottle to preferring them over eating from me. It's less work. I'll call it efficiency versus laziness :) But she takes things a step further by requiring the milk to be warmed to the perfect temperature.

And just like Goldie Locks, if it's a bit too cool, she refuses to eat until I've reheated the bottle.

I can't make this stuff up. It's happened two feedings in a row.

She flat out refuses, cries and spits the milk out. Warm up the bottle, and down the hatch the ounces go.

It would be funny if I weren't pumping before every feeding to give her this delicious, fresh milk!

Ok, it's still funny. Look at that face. She is seriously the sweetest thing breathing in this house. But I can't even imagine where we're headed if she's this finicky with her bottles. God help us :)

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