Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So I've been snowed in, figuratively and literally. I feel like everyone is looking at me with disappointed, sad eyes wanting more from me and there just isn't time...

Ok, Stella is the only one giving me actual sad eyes but between a ton of work (hopefully just a confluence of events that I've told myself will be resolved by March 1st), all this freaking snow, hubby traveling the last 2 weeks, all this freaking snow (which incidentally means I can't get out of my garage, every day is a guess as to whether Paula in her little Toyota will be able to find her way here), computer issues at home and at work, a root canal, and now sick kids, I can not seem to get ahead of the game.

I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer, we're actually getting along pretty well, all things considered, but blog updates aren't even on the radar right now.

I have pics from Baba's trip two weeks ago and stories of white whale's with aunt Carrie but they are still days away at best.

I'll repeat my matra for this week...doing the best I can, and SORRY!

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