Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Personal Vacation

I had a meltdown in Florida.

In hindsight, the signs of it coming were pretty obvious.

For days on end I was desperately seeking an infusion of patience, as the kids were pushing my every button. That never happens. I found myself frustrated with everyone, even the cat, who's biggest offense is breathing. I was totally at the end of my rope.

Probably a result of several weeks of going at it too hard. The flu, the half marathon, a pretty bad cold, sick kids, hubby traveling, work, whatever. Life is busy but it had gotten the best of me.

I landed in Florida and totally broke down. Huge fight with hubby. Once he was gone, I took it out on my parents and sister.

Ick. It was not a pretty side of me. I've apologized, but frankly am still a little embarrassed.

Hubby must have anticipated it too, long before the signs even started appearing, because he sent me on this trip to Jacksonville. A night alone in a hotel, with a morning of spa treatments before he joined me following a hunting adventure with some guys from work.

And I was pissed. It was a logistical pain in the ass. I was already sooooooo tired.

And then I was leaving the kids with my parents (who couldn't have been more thrilled), when I really just wanted to play with them at the pool and relax.

It wasn't until I was flying there that I realized the brilliance of his plan (so annoying, he is always right).

It was so quiet. I napped on the plane.

I desperately needed a break.

To have no where to go. Nothing to wake up for. No one needed me. It has honestly been years.

I slept in. I found a little boutique in town and bought some cute stuff. I laid at the pool. I hung out with a wife of hubby's colleague and swapped notes on all the crazy, exhausting, amazing, ridiculous things about being a mom. I got a massage. And a facial.

Hubby got to the hotel and we went to an amazing dinner party (separate post).

It was simply glorious.

24 hours later I was completely refreshed and ready to go at it all over again.

Oh, and we flew back to Naples on his boss' private plane, pictured here. I am officially ruined from flying commercial.

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