Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gigi's Stats

Ok, to answer the previous question regarding smell - perhaps?

She slept till 5AM today which is great, though of course not nearly as dreamy as her performance for dad. Sigh.

We will get there, in time. Last night marked her first night down in the nursery for the full night. Relatively painless for all. I actually can't believe how long I allowed her to stay with us...or that I'm admitting it here.

I was crazy with Ben (let me count the ways), kicking him out at 8 weeks. I think I was afraid I'd become a co-sleeper. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just know myself and once he was in our bed, soft and snuggly, I know I wouldn't let him leave until he was 20.

In retrospect there was really no logic to getting him out so soon since he was still feeding at night. And as mentioned, I was CRAZY. I vividly recall moving myself (and hubby, and Stella) downstairs into our spare bedroom at the time, "sleeping" with the monitor on my pillow, which really meant staring at that stupid screen ALL. NIGHT. LONG. making sure he was still breathing.

For a month. And after two days I was alone.

Thank God I'm more relaxed this time around. Seriously. I couldn't handle that level of insanity another six months. I was out of my mind.

Anyway, back to Gigi. We had her 4 month appointment today, here are her stats:

- weight - 14lbs, 13oz (75%)
- length - 25.5 inches (90%)
- head circumference 16 (75-90%)

No sign of the VSD!

At the risk of going on a boring diatribe, who the hell cares about head circumference? I don't. Nor have I yet figured out why it matters. I guess if they had a flat head? Otherwise, seriously, what does head size have to do with anything?

But I am thrilled that she is already proving to be very tall. Thank goodness for our collective genes on that one. Being tall means only one thing to me - being able to eat more. Seriously. More room to spread out those calories.

I guess we can staring dreaming about basketball scholorships too, but I'm a foodie at heart and feel comforted in the fact that she's off to a good start :)

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