Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to Reality (almost)

With my return to work fast approaching, I feel the panic beginning to settle in. If only I could be a stay-at-home-mom WITH a nanny :)

Weeks ago when still-sleep deprived and bleary eyed, heading back to work seemed like a welcome relief. Now of course we're (kind of) on a schedule. I'm working out. Ben is more awesome every day, and it feels tough to leave them.

And there is my self-important concern that they will not possibly survive without me...which couldn't be farther from the truth, but we've had so much fun the last few weeks!

I know it'll be fine, and it will be easier this time. I will like being back at work, being really useful - and when I say that not immediately thinking of Thomas the Train - I'll know what is going on in the world again and enjoy conversing with adults about things going on in the industry.

I do like my job, very much in fact. It will just take a little time to remember after this 'break.'

And nevermind that Ben will soon be speaking to me strictly in Polish.

I will miss them. Sweet, warm Juliet. Funny, sing-songy Ben.

Cherish the days, hold a little tighter, run a little harder. Reality is coming our way, time to get excited about it!

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