Thursday, July 22, 2010

No Glow Yo

I was never a 'pregnancy glow' gal the first time around. I think I have a max of three photos of my belly captured during those 10 months (showers aside), and I always shuddered when people suggested the popular expecting mom photo shoot. Just not my style.

But I don't recall being so frequently exasperated with my personal appearance either. Getting dressed in the morning would be a joke, if there were anything funny at all about it. Inevitably, each day starts with no less than five outfit changes before ultimately I give up and hope for the grace of God no one is out there looking to judge a hot, fat, pregnant lady today (and if you are, shame on you).

Hubby reassures me with comments like "no, you were way fatter with Ben at this point last time..." which sadly actually makes me feel slightly better, if that gives you a sense of my state of mind.

I've done a little looking around online and talking to folks, the results of which also made me feel better. The unanimous sentiment is women feel sicker, fatter, more tired, uglier, and overall like a hot mess the second time around.

Misery loves company. Check.

So what's the point here? Who really cares besides me? And isn't it all bigger than this? I hear you. But that doesn't make it any easier to put clothes on every day, and certainly doesn't help that once that challenge is tackled, I can't find my freakin' car keys either.


Unknown said...

Totally, totally understand how you are feeling. I'm pretty sure Brian is ready to have me committed and thinks I'm completely nuts!

cityretreat said...

seriously - does anyone ever feel fabulous the second time? seems medically impossible.