70 degrees in November just doesn't happen in Chicago (or the midwest for that matter). And so we spent nearly every second outside, as hopefully was the case with all of you as well.
We've gotten much more savvy at the whole babysitter thing, found a couple we really like and now have regular nights out planned for the foreseeable future. Amazing what it does for us. It just feels SO GOOD to be out, and there is no guilt b/c the little guy is sleeping anyway so we aren't missing anything.
We tried Taxim on Friday night, yummy new Greek restaurant in Bucktown. We walked both ways, hit a bar on the way home, seriously just like the old days.
Parties both Sat and Sun -- little guy came with. It was nice to be out, see friends and still snuggle with my little bear throughout.
He is now both so busy he has no time for me, and yet when he is tired wants nothing but me (or hubby). He barely wants to be held b/c he wants to be on the ground, playing, exploring, independant. And yet when he is tired, he is SO clingy. He holds on tight, climbs up into you. He defines yummy.
Crawling continues with more ease, less frustration, fun all around. And this weekend we ate Cheerios, more eggs, apple, melon, it is so fun. Chewing remains hard and weird for him but we keep trying. He is eager, just not sure how it all works yet. But he gets the sippy cup, drinks water, and has also mastered the straw - kind of.
Today we took a big walk with Stella and he laughed the entire time we were out. It was pure bliss. Tonight we are eating burgers on the porch. Amazing.
Happy warm weekend. Hope you enjoyed every second.