Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Subtle Changes

The other thing that happened when we made it out of the sickness woods, all of last week's changes became more clear. In this picture you can see his hair is really filling out, and he is longer overall. He fits on my waist differently when I hold him, and while he is still a little chunkster, he seems more evenly balanced and lean.
I'm also toying with the idea of giving up one (bf) session a day, and doing the evening meal as a bottle. I heavied up on bottles last week overall b/c his appetite was down and I wanted to make sure I could monitor what he is taking in. And he really doesn't eat that much milk at night anyway so I think it is a good place to start to wean...need to buy some formula to make sure he'll drink it. Even though we have enough frozen milk in the freezer to send him off to college (too bad it doesn't keep that long).

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