Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Closed for Business

Since I've reported on BFing throughout the process, I thought I'd include a final post on the topic (at least as far as Ben is concerned). We've officially closed up the shop.

The little guy doesn't seem to mind, or frankly even notice. He is still just eating one formula bottle a day b/c we have quite a bit of milk stored. It is more to keep him familiar with it so we can gradually start increasing as the frozen supply diminishes.

I'd guess we'll make it another month before we run out completely which is nice. And he is eating so much real food his milk consumption has gone down as a result.

While I loved every minute of it, I feel pretty liberated being free of the pump. And pleased that I made it as long as I did. Of course the awesome assets that came along with the job and the jolt to my metabolism weren't too bad either...until the next :)

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