Thursday, March 17, 2011

Naples with Grandparents

While there were at least 100 pictures taken of the kids during their visit with the grandparents in Naples, I have just a few...

In between all the coming and going, we celebrated Ben's birthday with all the grandparents this weekend in FL. A few pictures of the visit before I took off for JAX.

The beach on a chilly day, though Ben still jumped in the big drink. Another of Ben walking the property in nothing but his PJs shirt and Thomas undies. Gigi and grandpa Joe.

They had the best time ever. Of course.

Enjoy the pics :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quail Hunting

The boys went quail hunting while we were on vacation. Put aside the inhumanity of hunting for a minute while I tell you about the fantastic dinner we had as a result...

30 quail, prepared by a local JAX chef. Grilled and fried. With an andouille sausage sauce, and buttermilk cream sauce. Cheesy grits. Asparagus. Collard greens. Bread pudding for dessert.

Pictures are a little blurry, likely due to heavy wine consumption as a part of my relaxation therapy.

It. was. amazing.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Personal Vacation

I had a meltdown in Florida.

In hindsight, the signs of it coming were pretty obvious.

For days on end I was desperately seeking an infusion of patience, as the kids were pushing my every button. That never happens. I found myself frustrated with everyone, even the cat, who's biggest offense is breathing. I was totally at the end of my rope.

Probably a result of several weeks of going at it too hard. The flu, the half marathon, a pretty bad cold, sick kids, hubby traveling, work, whatever. Life is busy but it had gotten the best of me.

I landed in Florida and totally broke down. Huge fight with hubby. Once he was gone, I took it out on my parents and sister.

Ick. It was not a pretty side of me. I've apologized, but frankly am still a little embarrassed.

Hubby must have anticipated it too, long before the signs even started appearing, because he sent me on this trip to Jacksonville. A night alone in a hotel, with a morning of spa treatments before he joined me following a hunting adventure with some guys from work.

And I was pissed. It was a logistical pain in the ass. I was already sooooooo tired.

And then I was leaving the kids with my parents (who couldn't have been more thrilled), when I really just wanted to play with them at the pool and relax.

It wasn't until I was flying there that I realized the brilliance of his plan (so annoying, he is always right).

It was so quiet. I napped on the plane.

I desperately needed a break.

To have no where to go. Nothing to wake up for. No one needed me. It has honestly been years.

I slept in. I found a little boutique in town and bought some cute stuff. I laid at the pool. I hung out with a wife of hubby's colleague and swapped notes on all the crazy, exhausting, amazing, ridiculous things about being a mom. I got a massage. And a facial.

Hubby got to the hotel and we went to an amazing dinner party (separate post).

It was simply glorious.

24 hours later I was completely refreshed and ready to go at it all over again.

Oh, and we flew back to Naples on his boss' private plane, pictured here. I am officially ruined from flying commercial.

Monday, March 14, 2011

(a few more) joys of breastfeeding

We're going on vacation while on vacation. The itinerary is so complex, I'd have to convince you it will be relaxing, and frankly I'm not yet sure myself.

However the trip involves almost 24 hours of alone time for me which sounds equal parts ridiculous, selfish, and glorious.

In order to pull off this insane agenda, I am leaving the kids with my parents for 2 days. Weeks ago I thought I'd just feed Gigi formula for a couple days but since she's proven so flexible in her feeding (not) I conceded to the fact that I'd need to bring milk with me.

Planning how many ounces she'll eat while we're apart, translated into 4 oz storage bags, requires college-level mathematics which I do NOT have.

So here we are at airport security, the line has already been unforgivably slow and we're going to have to run to the gate anyway when the agent pulls the cooler off the line and indicates it needs extra screening. Fine. Whatever.

But she then proceeds to unpack every. single. carefully. packed. bag (all18 of them) to wipe each down. Then she wipes me down. Then she wipes the cooler down. And then Litmus tests the fresh milk.


(We made the plane but not without me running ahead, Juliet in Bjorn, as they were calling final boarding)

Today I'm at a different airport, flying out to meet hubby somewhere else in FL and I'm standing in the bathroom stall pumping...thinking for the millionth time how unglamorous this all is.

Someone is smoking in the bathroom. Seriously. People still do that? And then someone knocks on my stall door to see if I'm OK.

Frankly I'm surprised this hasn't happened much sooner given the heightened airport awareness and all the weird noises the pump makes.

But more concerning than the broad across the isle lighting up?

And as I was cleaning all the pump parts in the sink, someone hurried into a bathroom stall while catching vomit in her hands. At that moment I decided to stop keeping all this great content to myself and start sharing.

The joys of breastfeeding they don't mention in the books...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday morning

Everyone sleeps in. Glorious start to the day.

Get Ben out of bed and into cutest new outfit I just got him from Gilt. Pick up Gigi, change diaper.

Ben pees his pants. We’re fully potty training now, so this actually happens all the time, but I’m sad because he had his adorable outfit on for 5 minutes tops. I strip him down to just (clean) Thomas undies.

I start to nurse Gigi. It’s the only time of the day she’ll still do it, presumably because she’s so hungry and even then she barely eats.

Ben comes in and points to his bottom, which means poop. I try to get him to walk up the steps to sit on his potty. He won’t. Unlatch Gigi, put her on the floor (is it any wonder she doesn’t want to eat with me?), scoot Ben upstairs. He sits. No poop.

Get Gigi upstairs, try to get her to eat more. Moment has passed, she's all smiles and no longer interested in eating. I start to pump.

Ben pees on the floor. I wipe up, while pumping.

Ben, now completely pantless plays at train table.

Pees on the floor again. I wipe up, still pumping. Points to bottom. Goes to sit on potty. Nothing.

Gigi spits up all over herself (thankfully I at least had the foresight to not yet put her in the cute outfit I picked out because this is very predictable). Clean her face, still pumping.

Ben points to his bottom, turns red in the face. Poops on the floor. About six inches from the potty.

Pick up poop. Deliver to toilet. Talk about how we like to poop IN the potty, rather than next to it.

He sits. He poops and pees in the toilet.

It’s 7:25. I’ve been up for 35 minutes and this is already the longest day ever.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Why, why, why has it taken me so long to get creative with mealtime?

Ben used to eat everything.

Like cuddle-fish-in-Chinatown-everything. It was awesome. Mainly because he was so entertaining to take out, and waitresses marveled as he sucked down bowls of clam chowder, ate salsa with a spoon, shoveled in hummus, there was literally nothing he wouldn't try.

Then somehow we slipped into the cheese phase. Where for probably two months all he would eat was cheese. Not macaroni and cheese, or grilled cheese, just cheese. Slices, cubes, spreads. As long as it was cheese.

Thankfully we've landed somewhere in between now, but I still long for my adventurous little eater. And of course there are the nutritional concerns too. Docs say view the week, rather than day, so you don't obsess over fruits and veggies constantly. But I struggle in pretty much every category outside of dairy (he's a milkaholic and still loves his cheese).

So why did it take me so long to figure out that I could strategically plan my meals with a little trickery in mind?

Last week, after a total bust on steamed broccoli and cheese, I decided to smash steamed broccoli into his mashed potatoes. He loved them. No questions asked.

Imagine the possibilities here...I can totally mask fruits and vegetables into all kinds of things with a little focus.

How do you get your kids to eat their fruits and veggies?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Loving LIfe

With two kids, I've found there is a little less time (ha!) to actually stop and enjoy how awesome they are. We're always rushing from one thing to the next, eating, napping, cleaning.

I've found, the best opportunity is when the other is sleeping. Here's a little video from my date with Juliet on the couch this afternoon.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I heart you iphone

I've been writing this post in my mind since walking out the door of the Verizon store on Friday, with increasing enthusiasm every minute I play with my new iphone.

And then today I read this post from Cool Mom Tech and she really summarizes things far better than I will so feel free to head there now and skip my thoughts...

BUT, if you're still here, I'll add my own color.

AT&T and I had a pretty horrible breakup in the late 90's and I honestly never recovered. Unless personally, aggressively and persistantly woo'd back, we will never talk again. So the iphone has remained outside of my consideration set all this time. Period.

I bought an ipad a few months ago, really to familiarize myself with apps and the technology because I'm talking so much about it at work it seemed careless not to better understand the landscape. And then I downloaded 50 kid apps and completely lost control of it to Ben. Another post to follow on how swiftly he picked up the functionality and mastered the device...

So when the iphone became available on Verizon, I started thinking. And really the keypad situation was the only thing holding me back. I type A LOT of emails on my bberry. And I love the keyboard. I would knock the socks off my 8th grade typing teacher with the skills I have on my bberry.

But the gamble seemed worth it. The pay off was SO HUGE. So I pulled the trigger on Friday. In a rush to get it before taking off for the Princess Half so I could take pictures during the race (yes, seriously. I'm an impulse shopper)

I haven't looked back. In fact, I can't seem to seperate myself from it. This will be one of one million posts about it, I'm guessing.

I took pics throughout the race as planned, posted them to Facebook and here. I read a book on the flight home. I have taken almost 50 pictures in 6 days. I've downloaded runner tracking apps, recipe apps, organizational apps. I'm considering switching my blog to a new platform so I can more easily update from my phone.

I can't get enough. And it is SO EASY. There is an app for EVERYTHING.

Yes, I realize I'm eons behind everyone else. But it doesn't deminish my enthusiasm...

More to come. But for now, I have apps to explore.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gigi's Stats

Ok, to answer the previous question regarding smell - perhaps?

She slept till 5AM today which is great, though of course not nearly as dreamy as her performance for dad. Sigh.

We will get there, in time. Last night marked her first night down in the nursery for the full night. Relatively painless for all. I actually can't believe how long I allowed her to stay with us...or that I'm admitting it here.

I was crazy with Ben (let me count the ways), kicking him out at 8 weeks. I think I was afraid I'd become a co-sleeper. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just know myself and once he was in our bed, soft and snuggly, I know I wouldn't let him leave until he was 20.

In retrospect there was really no logic to getting him out so soon since he was still feeding at night. And as mentioned, I was CRAZY. I vividly recall moving myself (and hubby, and Stella) downstairs into our spare bedroom at the time, "sleeping" with the monitor on my pillow, which really meant staring at that stupid screen ALL. NIGHT. LONG. making sure he was still breathing.

For a month. And after two days I was alone.

Thank God I'm more relaxed this time around. Seriously. I couldn't handle that level of insanity another six months. I was out of my mind.

Anyway, back to Gigi. We had her 4 month appointment today, here are her stats:

- weight - 14lbs, 13oz (75%)
- length - 25.5 inches (90%)
- head circumference 16 (75-90%)

No sign of the VSD!

At the risk of going on a boring diatribe, who the hell cares about head circumference? I don't. Nor have I yet figured out why it matters. I guess if they had a flat head? Otherwise, seriously, what does head size have to do with anything?

But I am thrilled that she is already proving to be very tall. Thank goodness for our collective genes on that one. Being tall means only one thing to me - being able to eat more. Seriously. More room to spread out those calories.

I guess we can staring dreaming about basketball scholorships too, but I'm a foodie at heart and feel comforted in the fact that she's off to a good start :)

Can She Really Smell Me?!

Inevitably hubby has it easier than me. I share stories of my trials with the kids at the end of each day. He hits the road for stretches at a time and I get the colds and the freak outs.

On the rare occassion that he has them on his own, they seem to nap longer, eat more, generally behave perfectly.

So while out of town for the half marathon, I wasn't entirely shocked to hear Juliet slept through the night that first night. She had proven capable before I left, so a repeat performance, while unexpected wasn't totally shocking.

But two nighs in a row??

@foodmomiac joked (I think) that Juliet could smell me, or my absence, and that was why she was sleeping through the night, which I laughed off...but later her comment got me thinking. While I didn't entirely buy into it, the experts do suggest when bottle training that the mom leave the house because the baby can smell 'the real deal' near-by.

Could Juliet be waking up at night simply based on proximity to me?

(Is the princess still sleeping in our room? GASP. She is.)

So tonight she is sleeping in her room all night, all by herself...what do you think the outcome will be?