Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Grow Your Own!

Chicago Magazine featured a story this month called "Free Food! Grow Your Own" (I don't think they post current articles until the next issue comes out, annoying) - featuring three urban 'farmers.' I gobbled the story up (awesome feature on a roof grower in my 'hood) and was delighted to learn I can plant a few things now!

Hardy vegetables, such as lettuce and broccoli, can apparently go in the ground now; while the other favs (toms, cucs, beans, etc.) have to wait until after May 15. I immediately called Gethsemane to see if they have starter plants available but they were already closed.

Do you realize what this means? I can start planting!!

I haven't given much thought to the garden yet this year. Not because of the baby craziness - more because in the past I've spent the winter pouring over Burpee catalogues and planning everything out in detail. Yet when I get to the garden center, I toss all the plans and improvise based on the current selection. They always have amazing options so it's more fun to be spontaneous.

Two things I did promise myself - no zuccini or squash this year (we never eat it and it takes up too much space) and something new. I've always wanted to grow lettuce. My grandmother used to have red leaf and boston - there is nothing like fresh lettuce for a salad. And broccoli might be fun.

The brainstorming will begin immediately and I'm thrilled by the idea of going to the store during the week when I don't have to fight the throngs of people (this is the best garden center in the city - though I'm not afraid to go to WI for my flowers). And the weather is supposed to be amazing.

While I neglected to spread the compost at the end of the season last year, I think I can still do it now when I plant. So excited! Just need to get a chair for Ben to chill on the deck and we'll be all set. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have been loving the Farmer's Market Garden Center up on Elston (4100 block). Cheaper than Gethsemene, and they are so responsive!!!